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人教九年级英语Unit 8专题讲练Unit 8 It must belong to Carla?情态动词表示推测的用法1. 语法简介 情态动词表示说话人的语气或情态,常带有一定的感情色彩以及对事物的把握与推测程度。在英语中常见的此类情态动词有must, can, may, could和might等。注意:此类情态动词没有人称的变化,其后面所连接动词只能用原形。2. 情态动词表示推测详解句式情态动词意义例句肯定句must表示把握性为100%的推测,“一定;准是”。注意:其否定形式不是mustnt,而是cant。1. He must have been to the U.S., because he knows so much about it. 他一定去过美国,因为他知道关于它的如此多的事情。2. It must be Toms schoolbag. Look! His name is on it. 这一定是Tom的书包。看,上面有他的名字。can表示理论上有可能,并不表示人为的判断。1. Smoking can cause cancer. 吸烟可能致癌。2. Tea can be used for cooking. 茶叶可用于烹饪。could表示主观判断有较大可能。Dont worry about him. He could be all right. 不用担心他,他应该会没事的。may表示主观判断不十分肯定的可能性。Im not sure where my mother is. She may have gone to the supermarket. 我不太确定我妈去了哪,她可能去超市了。might表示主观判断较小的可能性。They saw something in the sky last night. It might be a UFO. 昨天晚上他们看到天空中有个东西,有可能是个不明飞行物。否定句can否定形式cant表示主观判断完全不可能,是must的否定形式。1. The story sounds good, but it cant be true. 这个故事听起来不错,但它不可能是真的。2. The blue coat cant be Tonys. He never wears blue clothes. 这件绿色外套不可能是Tony的。他平时不穿绿色的衣服。could否定形式couldnt可以看作是cant的过去式。He couldnt be in the meeting, because he was in hospital at that time. 他不可能参加过那个会议,因为当时他正在住院。may否定形式may not表示主观判断有可能不。You may not like English, but you have to work hard on it. 也许你并不喜欢英语,但你得努力学。might否定形式might not意同may not。He might not be at home right now. 他可能此刻不在家疑问句can表示把握性不大的推测。Can it be Jenny? 有可能是Jenny吗?could表示把握性不大的推测。Where could he go? 他有可能去了哪里?3. 总结1). 在肯定句中,按照可能性大小排列为mustcancouldmaymight。2). must表示推测时,其否定形式为cant,表示完全不可能。must表示“必须”时,其否定形式为mustnt,意为“不得”。例如:You mustnt sing loudly when your younger brother is sleeping. 你弟弟睡觉时你不得大声唱歌。3). 在疑问句中,常用的只有can和could.4). 对过去的事情表示推测时,情态动词后跟have done结构。语法专练 一、根据句意,用must, might, 或cant填空1. Mr. Smith has been driving all day. He be very tired.2. My father be in Beijing because he has gone to America.3. Dont play in the street. You be hurt by cars.4. The blue cell phone be Toms or Mikes. They both like blue.5. My mother have the key to the door, but Im not sure.6. I dont know where Tina is. She be in the library.7. Look! The women at the school gate is our headmaster.No, it be her. She is holding a meeting in the office now.8. The old car belong to Joe. He bought his car last week, and it is quite new now.二、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 他一定是在给他的老板写信。 He a letter to his boss now.2. 这件事不可能是Peter做的,因为他当时根本就不在那里。 Peter , because he was actually not there at that time.3. 因为天气原因,航班可能要被推迟到下午三点。 The flight put off to 3 oclock this afternoon because of the bad weather.4. 不,这不可能是真的,简直令我难以置信! No, this true. I just cant believe it at all!三、单项选择( ) 1. The man be a doctor in this hospital, but Im not sure. (2019 本溪)A. must B. would C. can D. might( ) 2. The magazine Lucys. We can see her name on the cover. (2019 兰州)A. mustnt be B. cant be C. must be D. neednt be( ) 3. Jill looks so painful, there be something wrong with her.Oh dear! Wed better take her to the nearest hospital at once. A. can B. should C. would D. must( ) 4. Linda in the classroom now. She went to the teachers office two minutes ago.A. must be reading B. cant be reading C. cant read D. mustnt read( ) 5. Is that red schoolbag Marys?It be hers. She hates that color. (2019 广西河池)A. may B. must C. cant D. mustnt( ) 6. You are not allowed to play with fire in the forest. It _ kill plants, animals and even people. (2020 昆明)A. might B. might not C. should D. should not( ) 7. Must I hand in the report now, sir?_ .You can hand it in tomorrow. (2020 广西百色)A. Yes, you can B. Yes, you must C. No, you neednt D. No, you mustnt( ) 8. Whose textbook is it? Is it Jennys?No, it _ be Jennys. Look, Helens name is on the cover. I think it _ be Helens. (2020 鄂州)A. cant; mustB. mustnt; mustC. cant; mayD. mustnt; may( ) 9. Mum, I want to swim in that small pond near the forest with our classmates. No, you _ do that! Its too dangerous. A. neednt B. mustnt C. may not D. shouldnt( ) 10. The article says that ones personality depends on his animal sign.You _ read it for fun, but dont believe in that. (2020 南通) A. can B. mustC. shouldnt D. neednt( ) 11. He like coffee. I see him drink a cup at times. (2019 南通)A. must B. may C. cant D. mustnt单元话题写作话题分析本单元主要学习如何对事物进行推测。根据相关信息推测物品的主人、房间的主
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