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-江苏省泰州市姜堰区中考英语一模试卷一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1Have you seen _ TV series Nirvana in Fire (琅琊榜),Mum?Yes,its quite _ interesting play,so I have seen it twice()Aa; theBthe; anCa; aDthe; the2Could you give me some advice on travelling?Take a map with you while travelling _ you have a guide or you know the city verywell()AifBunlessCalthoughDbecause3She _ ten years agoYou mean she _ him for ten years?()Amarried; has got married toBgot married; has got married withCgot married; has been married withDgot married; has been married to4What a nice Tshirt!How much did you _ for it?It _ me 200yuan()Apay; costBpay; paidCcost; payDcost; cost5This photo reminds me the things and persons we met at college()Aof; thatBabout; whichCto;/Don; what6He has made little progress in English, he?He is good at it now()Ahasnt; YesBdoesnt; NoChas; YesDhas; No7After visiting the science museum,the students dont doubt _?()Ahow far is Mars away from the sunBwhat is the transport like on MarsCof the distance from the sun to MarsDthe life on Mars will be different from the life on the Earth8Have you seen the movie Through Stunning Storms?Yes,it is _ one that Ive ever seen()Amore excitingBthe most excitedCthe most excitingDmore excited9About _ of the workers in the factory were born in the ()Atwo thirds; 1970Btwo thirds; 1970sCtwo third; 1970sDtwo third; 197010Susan,why are you still here?They are all ready to startIm sorry,but I _ when to startAwasnt toldBdont tellCdidnt tellDhavent told11Im not sure whether we can have a picnic on Saturday evening,because it _the weather()Astands forBlives onCagrees withDdepends on12What language is that guy speaking?I cant catch a wordHes from India,so I guess it is Hindi()Aso can IBso I canCneither can IDneither I can13Its _ the boys ability to make a lanton _ a pumpking()Aof; out ofBof; withCbeyond; out ofDacross; with14Why did he make no to be understood or liked?He didnt care what others think of him()AriskBbalanceCsuggestionDeffort15Would you like to watch Chinas Got Talent(中国达人秀)?_But Im busy going over my lessons for the test()ADont mention itBId love toCThats all rightDMy pleasure二、完形填空(共1小题;每小题15分,计15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 16Mommy,I got something for you!Cody ran through the door after schoolHis face wore the biggest smile everHe waved something above his headIts a penBut not just any penIts a lucky pen!He handed me the pen(16),waiting for my reaction(反应)I looked at the pen in my handThere was nothing(17)about itIt looked just like any other ballpoint penI had a drawer full of themAt that moment,I didnt realize how special it was or how much I would come to treasure(珍爱) itI had made the decision to be a(n)(18)I had dreamed about it for a long time but I was afraid of being refused by the publishing housesThe night before,I told my husband my(19)when I thought Cody wasnt listeningWhat if(20) likes my writing and I fail?But Cody did(21)what I saidNow he stood in front of me,watching me examine the penYou dont have to be afraid now,he saidThis pen will make your(22)great and everyone will love youTears filled my eyesRefusal(拒绝) and failure didnt seem like such a big problem any moreEven if I(23)sold the first book,I had everything I could ever needI knew that pen would bring me luck,thoughAnd I felt(24)already,just by having Cody in my life,especially when I heard what he did to get itIn the lunchroom,Cody heard an older boy talking about having a lucky(25)He decided to get it for meThe boy was a tough negotiator(强硬的谈判者) but Cody didnt (26)In the end,he(27) his favorite Matchbox car,two army men his brother gave him,a crayon,and a piece of candyhis most important things,for that penJust to make (28) feel betterI still have that pen,though its long out of ink,in a cup on my deskWhen a refusal letter arrives and I start feeling(29),I look at it and remember just how lucky I amFor while I value that pen,its Cody who I really (30) in my life16AeasilyBcarefullyCproudlyDnaturally17AstrangeBspecialCimportantDinteresting18AteacherBartistCwriterDinventor19AfearBhopeCsecretDsurprise20AsomebodyBeverybodyCanybodyDnobody21AhearBacceptCexpectDbelieve22AlifeBdreamCstoriesDchoices23AeverBneverCevenDonce24AsureBluckyCbraveDproud25AdogBtoyCpenDgift26Agive upBtry outCget awayDcall back27AfoundBkeptCsoldDchanged28AthemB
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