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2020-2021学年山东省青岛市第五十七中学高三英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. The representatives sat back and began to chat happily as well as excitedly over coffee when the conference _. A. broke awayB. broke downC. broke off D. broke out参考答案:C2. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread our further, _ New York is an example. A. for which B. in which C. of which D. from which参考答案:C解析:of which引导的间隔性非限制性定语从句, 对cities起补充、说明的作用。介词of的选择取决于和前面名词的搭配 of the cities。3. The pleasant weather_ our pleasure. We had a wonderful time in Europe. Aadded to Badded in Cadded up to Dadded up参考答案:A4. According to my research, neither your restaurant nor my restaurant _ a healthy diet.A.are offered B.is offered C.offer D.offers参考答案:D5. It is thought police had been called to the scene following a report of a collision involving her vehicle and _ of another motorist.A. oneB. thoseC. someD. that参考答案:D试题分析:考查代词。句意:句意:两辆机动车相撞了,据说接到报警后,警察赶到了现场。one指代可数名词,泛指同类中的一个,one有前置定语;that指代比较的对象,指代前面提到的单数可数名词,有后置定语,that 还可指代不可数名词;that的复数是those。这里指代另一辆机动车,因为定语在后面,故用that,而不用one指代第二辆机动车,故选D。6. Parents have to be able to to be , to go with their kids, and also give them the room to grow.A. flexible B. strict C. responsible D. careful参考答案:A7. You are an adult now and you need to take _ for your actions.A. granted B. responsibility C. consideration D. choice参考答案:B8. His pale face suggested that he _ ill and the teacher suggested that he _ the doctor. A. was, should see B. should be, saw C. were, had seen D. should be, see,参考答案:A9. -Thank you for your timely help.- My pleasure. It is hardly talking about.A. worthy B. worthwhile C. worth D. useful 参考答案:C10. The long-lasting meeting ended in failure, _ no agreement.A. to reach B. would reach C. reaching D. reached参考答案:C11. Chinas bird flu crisis showed no sign of easing Tuesday, _ another person was reported to have died from the virus, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.A. asB. unlessC. whenD. before 参考答案:A12. 28When a difficulty is beyond my _, I turn to my classmates or teachers for help. A. intelligence B. comparison C. competence D. companion 参考答案:C13. It was July 24th when he arrived in London, _ the 30th Olympic Games would be declared open 3 days later. A. that B. how C. where D. Who参考答案:C14. Im going to _ advantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle.A. put B. make C. take D. give参考答案:C试题分析: 句意:我要利用这次旅行来探索这个城堡的历史。使用短语take advantage of,意为“利用”,其他选项不能喝advantage of搭配。故选C。【名师点睛】对于动词词义辨析题目,首先可以从句意着手,看懂句意是解答此类题目的关键,其次四个选项的意思也要了如指掌。这对于平时学生的学习仔细度提出了要求,学生在平时的学习中要勤积累,多记忆,多查字典,以便在考试时能够迅速准确的答出,还有的是一些固定搭配,需要了如指掌。15. The Super Girl Wang Beis death highlights the fact_ cosmetic surgery has become one of Chinas biggest beauty secrets. A. that B. how C. what D. why参考答案:A略16. But the unpleasant feeling of coldness disappeared at the _ of his students pouring out of their classroom to give him a warm, wordless welcome.A. sightB. sceneC. viewD. sign参考答案:A17. Interest is as vital to learning as the ability to understand, even _ so. A. more B. thatC. much D. most 参考答案:【答案】略18. What would you have _ your supper? A. for B. in C. at D. on参考答案:A二、 新的题型19. While income worry is a rather common problem of the aged, loneliness is another problem that aged parents may face. Of all the reasons _32_ explain their loneliness, a large geographical distance between parents and their children is the major one. This phenomenon is commonly known as “Empty Nest Syndrome”(空巢综合症). In order to seek _33_(good) chances outside their countries, many young people have gone abroad, _34_(leave) their parents behind with no clear idea of when they will return home. Their parents spend countless lonely days and nights, taking care of themselves, in the hope that someday their children will come back to stay with them. The fact _35_ most of these young people have gone to Europeanized or Americanized societies makes it unlikely that they will hold as tightly to the value of duty _36_ they would have if they had not left their countries. Whatever the case, it has been noted that the values they hold do not necessarily match _37_ they actually do. This geographical and cultural distance also prevents the grown-up children from providing timely response _38_
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