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XX职称英语补全短文试题 下面是的职称英语补全短文,希望对大家有所帮助。 Avoiding traffic jams in Los Angeles may be impossible,but the citys colorful freeway murals (壁画) can brighten even the worst mute. Paintings that depict (描述) famous people and historical scenes cover office buildings and freeway walls all aess the city. With a collection of more than 2,000 murals, Los Angeles is the unofficial mural capital of the world. But the bination of graffiti (涂鸦) , pollution, and hot sun has left many L.A. murals in terrible condition.(46) In the past, expertssay, little attention was given to caring for public art. Artists were even expected to maintain their own works, not an easy task with cars racing by along the freeway. (47) The work started in xx. So far,16 walls have been selected and more may be added later. Until about 1960, public murals in Los Angeles were rare. But in the 1960s and 1970s, young L.A. artists began to study early 20th-century Mexican mural painting. (48) The most famous mural in the city is Judith Bacas The Great Wall, a 13-foot-high (4-meter-high) painting that runs for half a mile (0.8 kilometer) in North Hollywood, (49) It took eight years to plete-400 underprivileged teenagers painted the designs- and is probably the longest mural in the world. One of the murals that will be restored now is Kent Twitchells Seventh Street Altarpiece.which he painted for the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. (50) Twitchellsaid, it was meant as a kind of gateway through which the traveler to L.A. must drive. The open hands represent peace. Artists often call murals the peoples art. Along a busy freeway or hidden in a quiet neighborhood, murals can teach people who would never pay money to see fine art in a museum,Murals give a voice to the silent majority, said one artist. A. The city trying to stop the spread of graffiti, has painted over some of the murals plete. B. This striking work depicts two people facing each other on opposite sides of the freewat near downtown Los Angeles. C. Artists like murals because they like the work of Mexican artitsts. D. Now the city is beginning a huge project to restore the citys murals. E. The mural represents the history of ethnic proups in California. F. Soon their murals became a symbol of the citys cultural expressions and a showcase for LAs cultural diversity. 46.A。空位于段中,所以与前后的都有语义上的衔接。从空格前的句子看,谈论的是涂鸦、污染和炽热的阳光造成了壁画的糟糕的状态,空格后谈论的是专家认为公共艺术没有得到足够的重视,所以推断空格处谈论的壁画的糟糕情况或者如何解决,故A(城市试图阻止涂鸦的蔓延,所以在那些壁画上涂上了油漆)为最正确选项,其中A项中的graffiti与空格前句子中的graffiti有词语衔接的一致性。重复词的出现是表达语义衔接的重要标志。 47.D。空格位于段落的首句,空格后的句子谈论的是这项工作开始于xx年,已经选择了16堵墙的壁画,随后有更多的墙壁会参加起来,故D(现在城市开始实施修复城市壁画的宏大工程)是正确答案,谈论的是墙壁壁画修复工作,the project与空格后句子中的the work也有语义上的衔接。 48.c。空格位于段落的尾句,因而与前面的句子有语义上的衔接。空格前提到洛杉矶那些年轻的艺术家开始研究20世纪早期的墨西哥壁画,因而空格处继续谈论话题应与此有关,其中Mexican artists和Mexican mural painting表达出语义的衔接,故C(艺术家们喜欢壁画是因为他们喜欢墨西哥艺术家的作品)是正确答案。 49.E。空位于段中,所以与前后的句子都有语义上的衔接。从空格前的句子看,谈论的是the most famous mural,从空格后的代词“it”可以判断,谈论的对象是个单数,由此可知空格所在的句子谈论的还是the most famous mural,故E(壁画代表了加州地区种族群体的历史)是正确答案。主语的一致性是表达语义衔接的重要标志。 50.B。空位于段中,所以与前后的句子都有语义上的衔接。从空格前的句子看,谈论的是Kent Twitchell所创作的该幅壁画是为1984年洛杉矶奥运会所做,空格是创作者KentTwitchell对其含义的解释,因而空格处谈论的还是这幅画,再结合复现词汇Los Angeles可推断空格处所填的句子为选项B或者选项F,但是选项F中的their murals为复数形式,所以由此可知B(这幅引人注目的作品刻画了两个人相互面对,分别立于洛杉矶市中心快车道的两侧)为最正确答案。谈论对象的单复数的一致性也是判断语义衔接的重要标志。 When Carios Westez died at the age of 76, a language died, too. Westez, more monly known as Red Thunder Cloud, was the last speaker of the Native American language Catawba. Anyone who wants to hear the songs of the Catawba can contact the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., where, back in the 1940s, Red Thunder Cloud recorded a series of songs for future generations.(46) They are all that is left of the Catawba language. The language that people used to speak is gone forever. We are all aware of the danger that modern industry can cause the worlds ecology (生态) . However, few people are aware of the impact widely spoken languages have on other languages and ways of life. English has spread all over the world. Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Hindi have bee powerful languages as well.(47) When this happens, hundreds of languages that are spoken by only a few die out. Scholars believe there are around 6,000 languages around the world, but more than half of them could die out within the next 100 years. There are many examples, Araki is a native language of the island of Vanuatu, located in the Pacific Ocean. It is spoken by only a few older adults, so like Catawba, Araki will soon disappear. Many languages of Ethiopia will have the same fate because each one has only a few speakers. (48) In the Americas,100 languages, each of which has fewer than 300 speakers, are dying out. Red Thunder Cloud was one of the first to recognize the danger of language death and to try to do something about it. He was not actually born into the Catawba tribe, and the language was not his mother tongue.(49) The
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