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山东省枣庄市滕州市东郭镇党山中学2020-2021学年高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Reading can give students a chance to _ their interests. A. explain B. explode C. explore D. export 参考答案:C略2. They waited and waited, and Kobe Bryant, the NBA super star they had been lookingforward to _ at last.A. appearingB. appearC. appearedD. appears参考答案:C3. She understood what I was talking about, _ it was the first time we had spoken together. A. whether B. as if C. even if D. Since参考答案:4. During the day, when he -_ to other passengers, he would sit on deck, looking out at sea through a telescope. A. doesnt talkB. hadnt talkedC. wasnt talkingD. hadnt been talking参考答案:C5. It is important to keep _ in an emergency (紧急情况).A. quiet B. calm C. silent D. still参考答案:B6. -when are you going off for your holiday? -My plane _ at 9:20, so I must be at the airport by 8:20.A. took off B. has taken off C. is taking off D. would take off 参考答案:7. Its cold here. _ I switch on the heating?A. Should B. Will C. Would D. Shall参考答案:D8. I will never forget the day_ Shenzhou was launched. A. that B. when C. where D. which参考答案:B略9. _ you have got such a good chance, you might as well make the best of it. A. Although B. Now that C. As soon as D. As if参考答案:B10. There was a time _ we played happily and freely together. A. that B. which C. when D. 不填参考答案:C11. Jack, you _ play with the knife; you _ hurt yourself.A. wont; cant B. mustnt; may C. shouldnt; must D. cant; should参考答案:B12. _ we were worried about was _ they could manage to control the pollution. A. That; how B. That; whether C. What;that D. What; whether 参考答案:D13. To their joy, the couple the house and found the missing ring.A.got through B.went through C.Lived through D.Looked through参考答案:B14. Lilys fond oftravelling and she always keepstravel journal of what she does each day during her trip.Athe;the B/;theCthe;a D/; a参考答案:D15. The traffic is heavy these days. I _ arrive a bit late, so could you save me a place? A. can B. must C. need D. might 参考答案:C16. Atlantis, a beautiful and wealthy island, is supposed _ in the middle of the vast Atlantic Ocean more than 11,000 years ago. A. to exist B. to have existed C. to have been existing D. to be existing 参考答案:B略17. -You ought to have educated your son not to have eaten so much junk food, such as fried chicken, roasted mutton, smoked bacon and the like. -I _ . A. should have but he hadnt listened B. ought to and he wouldnt listen C. ought to have; but he didnt listen D. did but he didnt listen参考答案:D18. If you want to make progress, youd better be strict _ yourself _your studies.A. with; in B. with; about C. in; with D. about; in参考答案:A二、 新的题型19. (共10小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式A reporter(R) is asking a Golden Gate Bridge painter (P) some questions.R: How long have you been painting the Golden Gate Bridge?P: For 20 years. My father was a Golden Gate Bridge painter, too: 61 was my grandfather.R: Can you tell us something about your work?P: When I tell people that I paint the Golden Gate Bridge, they think I start at one end, paint to the 62 end, and then start again. But thats not the case. We are always painting the bridge. Its 63 on-going task. But we have to go 64 paint is in bad condition.R: Painting must be very dangerous, 65 it?P: It is. You have to be careful all the time. You cant work or appear without safety 66 (equip). And the weather, it gets colder up here. Sometimes its so cold that theres ice on the bridge. You must be 67 (dress) in warm clothes. Sometimes its windy and 68 (fog)R: What do you like the best about the job?P: 69 a sunny day like today, you can see from the ocean to the port and all the way to the mountains. The view from the top is 70 I love most about the job.参考答案:61. so 62. other 63. an 64 where 65isnt 66.equipment 67. dressed 68. foggy 69.on 70.what20. Taking trips 72 (enjoy) by many people. 73 (lucky), they do not always have the best vacations. Instead, people should consider group tours. First, group tours plan travelers routes(路线), so people dont have to be worried about 74 they are going next or how they are getting there. Another advantage of group tours is that they permit people 75 (chat) with one another when traveling. Travelers are able to develop friendships with people they would never have met because the
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