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四川省雅安市思经中学2020-2021学年高二英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Much to my surprise, she _ tears _ she read the letter.Aburst out; instant Bburst into; the instantCburst out; instantly Dburst into; instant参考答案:B2. _ for some time after a tiring day is very enjoyable and exciting for me in summer. A. Swim B. Swimming C. Go swimming D. To swim参考答案:B3. it to clear up tomorrow, the tourists would climb to the top of the mountain to wait for the sun . AIf; to raise BWere; to rise CShould; to rise DBecause; raising参考答案:B略4. I am still suffering from a fever. If I_ the doctors advice, I _ from my illness. A. take; would recover B. took; would recoverC. took; would have recovered D. had taken; would have recovered w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m参考答案:D5. _ a low salary, Zhou Chao decides to donate ¥l0,000 to charities every year.A. In case of B. In spite of C. In terms of D. In possession of参考答案:B6. The students all wear the same uniform,so its hard for me to _my son among them.A.bring out B.pick out C.pick up D.bring out.参考答案:B7. In order to cheat others, some unkind men often _ themselves off as PLA men.A. pass B. take C. make D. dress参考答案:A8. With the boy _ the way, we had no difficulty in finding the village.A. to lead B. leadingC. led D. to leading参考答案:B该题考查“with复合宾语”的结构, the boy与lead the way构成了主谓结构,所以用现在分词形式。9. The several ways he suggested to solve the problem proved of no _ . A. effort B. effect C . affect D. perfect 参考答案:B10. Attention, coffee lovers! We have for you, the best coffee machine _invented. A. ever B. already C. even D. nowadays参考答案:A11. After living there for one year, they have _there. A. accustomed to working B. accustomed to workC. been accustomed to working D. been accustomed to work 参考答案:C12. _ you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to knowAIf only B.As far as C. So long as D. Only if参考答案:D13. In the new season, the Lakers _ beat the Rockets 112110 in last nights thrilling game with Yao Ming scoring 9 points.A. narrowly B. accurately C. approximately D. automatically 参考答案:A14. Fortunately somebody happened to be passing by and called the fire department _ the fire broke out.A. hurriedly B. quickly C. instantly D. shortly参考答案:C略15. A lot of small towns in Nanchong are definitely worth_.A. visiting B. visited C. to be visited D. being visited参考答案:A二、 短文改错16. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下短文短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分Oneday,ayoungman,whomcouldntgetbackhome,cameintomyofficetoaskforhelpHesaidhismotherwasdisabledHisphonehadstolenwithiswalletandhehadntcontactedherforthepasttwodaysHowever isjobwasassessinghousingapplications,notprovidemoneyfortravelIaskedhimtowaitoutsideunlessIfinishedmyworkAfterworkIdrovehimallthewayhomeWearriveathismothershouseat10:30pm.ShewasinawheelchairandsheansweredadoorIsawtearsinhereyeasshethankedformeIjusthopedthatifmysonexperiencednothingsimilar,someonewouldbenicelyenoughtobringhimhometome参考答案:Oneday,ayoungman,whomcouldntgetbackhome, WhocameintomyofficetoaskforhelpHesaidhismotherwasdisabledHisphonehad my beenstolenwithiswalletandhehadntcontactedherforthepasttwodaysHowever isjobwasassessinghousingapplications,notprovidemoneyfortravelIaskedhimtowaitoutsideunlessIfinishedmyworkAfterwork providing untilIdrovehimallthewayhomeWearriveathismothershouseat10: arrived30pm.ShewasinawheelchairandsheansweredadoorIsawtearsinhereyeasshethanke eyesdformeIjusthopedthatifmysonexperiencednothingsimilar, 去掉 somethingsomeonewouldbenicelyenoughtobringhimhometomenice一个年轻人因为手机被偷,无钱回家来到我的办公室来寻求帮助。这不属于我的工作,于是我叫他在外面等我完成工作。下班后,我开车把他送到他有有残疾的母亲家。我这样做只是希望,如果我的儿子经历类似的事情,有人会很好地把他带回家。1.whom改为who a young man, whom couldnt get back home, 本句中a young man在定语从句中作主语,必须用主格who,不能用宾格whom。2.stolen前加been 手表是被偷。所以要用steal的过去完成时的被动形式。即(had) been stolen3.his改为my 从句意可知是我的工作而不是他的工作是评估住房申请。所以把his改为my。4.provide改为providing从句式my job was assessing hous
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