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河北省邯郸市荀子中学2020年高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Alvin,are you coming with us?Id love to,but something unexpected .A.has come upB.was coming upC.had come upD.would come up参考答案:A解析:考查动词时态。问句用现在进行时表示将来的动作“你会和我们一起来吗”,答语为“我很想(和你们一起去),但意外的事情发生了”。 显然应用现在完成时表示“已经发生”。2. The artist made up his mind to devote all he could his English before goingabroad.Aimprove Bto improve Cimproving Dto improving参考答案:D略3. -I have some big news for you. You have been admitted into our club. -_. Thats great!A. Have I? B. Pardon? C. Congratulations! D. Good idea!参考答案:A4. Many kids develop problems from finger sucking that can _ life-long problems unless _ properly.A. cause; treated B. lead; treatingC. suffer; to treat D. make; being treated参考答案:A考查非谓语性动词,句意:许多孩子由于吮手指可能造成一生的问题,除非正确地治疗。cause引起; lead导致; suffer遭受; make使; unless分词的结构起着让步状语从句的作用,因为kids和treat是被动的关系 ,故选A.5. I got caught in the rain and my suit _C_A. has ruined B. had ruinedC. has been ruined D. had been ruined参考答案:C本题考查动词时态及语态。根据句意:我遭雨了,我的套装被糟蹋了。故用现在完成时的被动语态,选C。6. Due to the Third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of _ Communist Party of China (CPC), Chinas vast countryside will witness _ new round of development after three decades of opening up and development. A. 不填, a B. the, a C. 不填, the D. the, the参考答案:B7. . ,the party was pleasant.A.In all B.At all C.After all D. All in all 参考答案:D略8. I am delighted to receive an invitation from you. _ your wedding, I should be pleased to attend. A. In charge of B. In response to C. In favor of D. In regard to参考答案:D9. Mrs. Smith has _ all the shampoo, so shell have to buy some more.A. run out B. used up C. given out D. sped up参考答案:B10. A health specialist claims the bean has magic power, and that is _ the public are doubtful.A. what B. that C. why D. where参考答案:D11. Ill give you my friends home address, I can be reached most evenings.A. which B. when C. whom D. where参考答案:D12. in this mountain village last night, we would not be sitting here enjoying suchdelicious food now.AHad it snowedBIf it were to snowCShould it snowDIf it snowed参考答案:A略13. I feel it is your husband who_ for the spoiled child.A. is to blame B. is going to blameC. is to be blamed D. should blame参考答案:A14. According to a UN report, 30 percent of the world population have no _ to clean drinking water and health care.A. entrance B. approach C. channel D. access参考答案:D15. Would it be for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport?A.freeB.vacantC.handy D.convenient参考答案:D提示:句意为:“你方便在四点钟来接我去机场吗?”由此可知选D项构成“It is convenient for sb.to do sth.”。free“有空的,自由的”; vacant“空缺的”;handy“方便的,在手边的”; 均可排除。16. Americans are happy to talk about family and personal interests ,but its best to avoid about religion and politics. ( ) A.talk B.talking C.to talk D.to talking参考答案:B17. The experiment _they had made a great contribution succeeded at last.A. at which B. to which C. on which D. to that参考答案:B18. She was so_in her job that she didnt hear someone knocking at the door.Aabsorbed BattractedCdrawn Dconcentrated参考答案:A略二、 新的题型19. The old-fashioned birthday card is out of date._16_ Sometimes, simple well-wishes on Facebook or a birthday email is enough. But sometimes we want a more creative way._17_ Online greeting cards are available at a variety of websites. They will allow you to customize(定制) the card with a personal message before sending it to your friend._18_ In New York, Mrs.Fields offers delicious cookies of various sizes with custom-printed message on the label. _19_ You can also print out your own label. This idea could also work with a great bottle of wine.If you only have time to stop by a store, you could send your friend a “Happy Birthday” balloon. Its also popular NYC tradition to greet a friend at work with a Happy Birthday.The possibilities for wishing someone a Happy Birthday are endless. There are many more original ways to share your birthday wishes. _20_A. You can send an online greeting card.B. You can also send a greeting message with a mobile phone.C. Another more creative way is through writing on baked goods.D. New ways to wish your friend a Happy Birthday are replacing it.E. Your friend gets both a nice bottle of champagne(香槟) and your personal message.F. What a great pleasure to enjoy the champagn
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