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2021年广东省湛江市雷州雷城中学高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Facing the emergency (紧急情况),we were at a loss and none of us could_ a solution to the problem. A.come about B.come out C.come up D.come up with参考答案:D2. Mr. Smith has been _ with this company since he graduated from college.A. addicted B. put C. connected D. crazy 参考答案:C3. The two old sisters, _ so long, held each other and burst into tears. A. being separated B. having been separated C. having separated D. had been separated参考答案:B4. Anne and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months they were discovered. A. after B. when C. before D. that参考答案:C略5. Most children need encouragement in time of failure _ they can cheer up again.A. so that B. in caseC. becauseD. if参考答案: 【答案】6. It was not _ she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.A, until B, till C, before D, after参考答案:A7. The city was seized(控制) after a fierce war and fell into _.A. ruins B. destroy C. damage D. destruction参考答案:A8. How can we study English better? _ singing English songs, there are many other fun ways.A. By B. Besides C. Except D. For参考答案:B略9. After a short _, I got my bag from the thiefs hand successfully.A. exchange B. explanation C. encouragement D. struggle参考答案:D10. I shall never forget those years_ I spent in the factory with the workers, _has a great effect on my life. A. when, that B. that, which C. that, that D. when, which参考答案:B11. -Have you _ your debt?-Yes, we worked day and night to _. A. paid off, pay for them B. paid for, pay them C. paid, pay for them D. paid for, pay them off参考答案:a略12. -What a pity! I missed the last concert of the year. -Oh, not at all. It was so terrible. In fact, I would rather I there. A. hadnt been B. was not C. havent been D. am not参考答案:A略13. Travelling to Loulan _ exciting.A. is B. are C. has D. does参考答案:A略14. Everyone hates in public.A. to laugh at B. to laughC. being laughed D. being laughed at参考答案:D试题分析:动词hate后面既可以接不定式hate to do sth讨厌做某事;也可以接动名词hate doing sth;句义:每个人都讨厌当众被嘲笑。根据句义可知使用被动语态的形式,故D正确。15. All the factories_ great importance to the car exhibition, and the price was very low, so a lot of cars were sold during it.A. attached B. afforded C. earned D. brought参考答案:A16. Try to _ the children down. Theyre too excited. ks5uA. put B. calm C. pull D. push参考答案:B17. All the people at the party were his supporters.A,present B, thankful C, important D, interested 参考答案:A18. He is determined to try his _in America after leaving school.A. money B. fortune C. opportunity D. wealth参考答案:B试题分析:考查动词短语搭配及含义。句意:他下定决心,在离开学校后,要去美国碰碰运气。try ones fortune碰碰运气。A. 钱;C.机会;D.财富;因此选B。二、 新的题型19. 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余选项。- Can you help me?- Sure, whats the problem?- 61 - Well, how about San Francisco? We went there last year and had a great time- 62 -Well, there is Golden Gate Bridge of course, and Golden Gate ParkIts a really big parkYou can go for long walks or take a rest in the Japanese Tea GardenIts beautiful there- 63 - There is also a place called Fishermans WharfThats really popular with touristsThere are lots of shops, cafes and restaurantsAnd from there you can go on a boat trip to AlcatrazYou know, its a small but very beautiful island- 64 - No, you cant stay on the island; there arent any hotelsYou can only go for the dayI think Ive still got a book about San FranciscoI can lend it to you- 65 AWhat can you do there?BOh, great! What a great place to stay in!CWhat an idea! What is the best time to go there?DI cant decide where to go for the holiday-any ideas?EThanks a lotSan Francisco, here I come!FHmm, that sounds goodGHow can I go there?参考答案:DAFBE20. How to be healthy when your family isnt?Trying to eat healthily and get enough exercise can be difficult when your family refuse to get healthy with you. _36_Tell your family about your decision. _37_ You will need their encouragement and support, even if they are not interested in joining you. Once your family see the progress youre madeWhether you want to lose weight, increase your energy levels or get fitthey may be encouraged to join you!_38_ It is an important part of becoming healthy. Eating health
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