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关于雾霾的英语作文及译文 天灰蒙蒙的,又是一个雾霾天气,路上的行人戴着口罩艰难的呼吸着,路上的车依旧那么多,可是乘坐在车里的人,他们应该没带口罩吧。 雾霾不知什么时候成为天气预报的常客了,晴朗的天气越来越少了,我们讨厌这种天气。整天呼吸这样的天气,严重影响我们的身体健康,更恶劣的是带来不少疾病,像呼吸系统疾病,心血管病,癌症等等。雾霾不仅影响着我们的健康,也模糊了我们的视线,甚至影响到我们的正常生活,在家里连窗户都不敢开了。我们的心理上更是蒙了一层厚厚的土。 造成雾霾的原因是人类对大气的污染,工厂排放废气,还有就是图中的汽车排放尾气,汽车一族的不断增加,所带来的不仅是交通问题,还有严重的污染问题。大自然的自我净化处理能力已经受不住我们如此的折腾。所以市民现在应该有这样的反省,不能只为了自己方便,就给环境施加压力,应提倡绿色出行,公共出行,为美好的蓝天做出自己的一点努力。 In the picture it is a grey day and hazy weather.The pedestrians on the road wear gauze masks and its hard for them to breath. But there are still so many personal cars on the road , people in cars may not wear gauze masks,I think . Hazy weather has bee a frequent visitor to the weather forecast, and sunny weather bee less and less.So people hate this bad,annoying,dirty weather. If we often breath such bad air,it will threaten our health. Because the bad weather cause a lot of diseases, such as respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer and so on. Hazy weather not only do damage to our life, but also blurs the sight of our eyes, even has a bad effect on our daily life.And opening windows everyday bee luxurious. Its a shock.Our heart is also covered a thick layer of soil. Living here we feel depressed. What lead to the bad weather is mostly human pollution, for example industrial exhaust gas, burning, as well as automobile exhaust in this picture.The holders of cars is surging, which bring about not only the traffic problems, but also serious pollution problems.Natures purifying ability is out of her range. So citizens should have such consciousness, not their own convenience, but they should advocate green travel and give preference to public transportation. Only by doing this,can they make their own efforts to build up the blue sky once more.
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