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2021-2022学年上海市宝山区高三(上)期末英语试卷1. Rising To the Challenge Cyclists must dig deep to complete whats been called the toughest climb in the world.They race up to Wuling Peak to the finish line in the King of the Mountain (KOM) Challenge.Every October some of the worlds best cyclists battle (1) the title.Starting at sea level,the route climbs to a height of 3,275 meters at the end,covering 105 kilometers. Ever since I started cycling seven years ago,completing the KOM climb (2) (be) a goal of mine.Every year I thought that I needed to prepare for it and used that as my excuse.But (3) (look) back,I realize I would have been fine.Cycling uphill was no problem for me then- it was thrilling.Now its exhausting. Last summer I finally decided to take on Wuling with some friends.Our 89-kilometer route started at the base of the mountain and was a little shorter than the official KOM race.But its the final 10 kilometers (4) are the most demanding:This is the steepest part, (5) makes the climb so hard. We began early in the morning as a group of 17 riders.But only three of us would make it to the top.A support car was necessary,especially on a ride like this, (6) (help) keep us energetic. The first part of the ride went through Taroko Valley,a magnificent park.Ive hiked there, (7) _ .Ive always wanted to bike it.I saw dramatic rocky outcrops,canyons,waterfalls and forests as I zipped through the valley and up the mountain road.Even though it was August,the weather was perfect.Unfortunately,the support car that carried our lunch (7) (delay).By the time it arrived,I was starving.Being consumed of energy even for that short time affected the rest of my ride.When the hard last 10 kilometers arrived,I really struggled to complete them.At one point I (8) see how close the top of the peak was,but it still felt so far away.Fortunately,determination carried me to the finish. (9) (exhaust),I conquered Wuling!What a tremendous feeling!(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)A.potentially B.results C.rewards D.sensitive E.survivalF.transmit G.distinguish H.responding I.developed J.conscious K.rapidlySense of smell is our most rapid warning system The human avoidance response to unpleasant smells associated with danger has long been seen as a (1) perceivable process,but our study shows for the first time that its unconscious and extremely rapid, says the studys first author Behzad Iravani,researcher at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience,Karolinska Institutet. The organ relating to the sense of smell takes up about five per cent of the human brain and enables us to (2) between many million different smells.A large proportion of these smells are associated with a threat to our health an (3) ,such as that of chemicals and rotten food.Smell signals reach the brain within 100 to 150 milliseconds after being breathed in through the nose. The survival of all living organisms depends on their ability to avoid danger and seek (4) .In humans,the smell sense seems particularly important for detecting and reacting to (5) harmful substance. It has long been a mystery just which sensory systems are involved in the change of an unpleasant smell into avoidance behavior in humans.Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have now (6) a method that for the first time has made it possible to measure signals from the human smell organ,which processes smells and in turn can (7) signals to parts of the brain that control movement and avoidance behavior. Their (8) are based on three experiments in which participants were asked to rate their experience of six different smells,some positive,some negative,while the electrophysiological activity of the smell organ when (9) to each of the smells was measured. It was clear that the organ reacts specifically and (10) to negative smells and sends a direct signal to the outer layer of the organ within about 300 ms, says the studys last author Johan Lundstrm. The signal causes the person to unconsciously lean back and away from the source of the smell.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)While people who are both trustworthy and capable are the most sought after when it comes to team assembly,friendliness and trustworthiness are often more important factors than ability. We assume that people are(3)for important task forces and teams because of the knowledge,skills and abilities they bring to the table.However,this research suggests that people may often get picked because team members feel(4)with them, said Cynthia Maupin,assistant professor of organizational behavior and leadership in Binghamton Universitys School of Management. People may be willing to(5)a bit in terms of performance in order to have a really positive team experience. Maupin and her colleagues focused on a group of MBA students to conduct their study.Students were(6)ssigned to teams at the beginning of the semester to work on class projects and assignments.Toward
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