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文化产业专业英语教学大纲一、说明(一)课程性质文化产业专业英语是文化产业管理专业的一门重要的语言基础课程。本课程作为专业方向的语言课,主要服务于文化产业管理专业的英语文章阅读、翻译和写作等。通过系统地介绍文化产业专业的相关内容,学习相关的专业词汇,培养学生的国际化视野和思维。为学生阅读专业的英语文献,进行国际化的专业交流奠定基础。(二)教学目的本课程的教学目的是使学生掌握文化产业相关的英语专业词汇、基本内容和理论,从而提升专业方向的英语阅读、翻译和写作能力。只有通过本课程的学习,熟练掌握英文的专业表达,提升专业的英文能力,学生才能够更好地扩展专业阅读范围,更有效地接触国际前沿的相关研究和理论,从而为本专业的深入学习架起一座语言的桥梁,全面提升自己的专业能力。(三)教学内容系统地介绍文化产业的基本概念、概念辨析、发展背景和分类;介绍文化产业相关的业态以及发展状况:介绍世界范围内不同国家和地区的文化产业发展概况。教学内容包括专业词汇的学习、部分核心定义的背诵、篇章的阅读理解、部分长难句和段落的翻译。(四)教学时数1、时数:3课时/周,总计:54课时2、进度:文化产业专业英语课程教学进度表单元内容总学时Unit 1Basic Concepts of Cultual and CreativeIndustries6Unit 2Theories and Research of Cullual andCreative Industries4Unit 3Classification and Relevant Industries10Unit 4Cullual and Creative Industries inEurope10Unit 5Cultual and Creative Industries inAmerica8Unit 6Cultual and Creative Industries in Asia8Unit 7Professional Thesis Reading related toCultual and Creative Industries8合计七单元54(五)教学方式主要以“语块理论”、“语码转换理论”以及任务型教学法为教学理论和实践基础,采用讲解、讨论、小组任务等课堂活动进行教学。培养学生的语块识别和积累意识,以实现语言的输出。通过task-basedroading掌握课程内容,使用语码转换理论为基础的PSPT教学法掌握课文中主要的概念、定义和理论。(六)考核方式 Sales of select U.S. copyright products in over-seas markets amounted to $156.3 hillionin 2013, a significant increase over previous years. As a comparison, the foreign sales of select copyright industry sectors exceed foreignsales of other major U.S. industries, including chemicals (excluding pharmaceuticals andmedicines) ($147.8 billion), aerospace prod-ucts and pails ($128.3 billion), agriculture ($68.9billion ) , and pharmaceuticals and medi-cines ($51.6 billion).考核要求:1. Know about the general situation of U.S. CCI.2. Know about the meaning of HPA.3. Understand the meaning of copyright and the copyright industries.4. Understand the meaning of the total copyright industries , Partial copyright industries,Non-dcdicated support industries include industries5. Master the important lexical chunks and relevant terminologies, apply (hem in translatingor suniary writing.Unit 6 Cultual and Creative Industries in Asia教学要点:1. The development of CCI in China2. Newly-emerged industries in CCI3. The cultural clusters and the governance mechanism4. The core copyright industries in Singapore5. The Copyright Act教学时数:8学时教学内容:1. Status quo of cultural and creative industry development in China (2 学时)Taking the economic restructuring and the increasing cultural demands of the society asintrinsic impetus and lhe cul-tural system reform as extrinsic driving force, China has seen astrong develop-ment of cultural and creative industries since the beginning of the 21st century,contributing significantly to the increase of employment, (he growth of economic volume, and lhetransformation of eco-nomic structure. The trends and status quo of cultural and creative industiyde-velopment can be summarized as follows.Rapid increase of incremental valueAs an important part of the national economy and a strategic approach of economicrestructuring, cultural and cre-ative industries have developed rapidly in lhe past decade in Chinaat a speed even higher than that of the national economy, resulting in the continuous in-crease ofits percentage in the countrys GDP. According to statistics, ChinasContinuous emergence of new industriesAlong with the development of infor-mation technology, new cultural and creative industries,such as animation games, digital music, and movable multi-media, have emerged continuouslyand developed quickly besides the traditional ones such as audio and video, radio, television, andadvertisement.Sustained augmentation of investmentThe high incremental value of cultural and creative industries has attracted great interest ofinvestors, including traditional manufacturing enterprises, and there has been a large amount ofcapital and labor resources coming into the fields of culture and creation.2. Formation of industrial agglomerations (2 学时)Along with the rapid growth of cultural and creative activities, a number of cultural andcreative industry parks of various levels and various kinds have been established all over China,becoming the production base for the agglomeration of cultural and creative activities.Improvement of governance mechanismIn view of the important role of cultural and creative industries in the national econ-omy, (helocalities have made great effort to complete the organizational system which can facilitate thehealthy development of cultural and creative industries.Diversified development in various localitiesAs China is a big country in terms of both territory and population, with many minorities andremarkable regional dis-parities, the local authorities have adopt-ed different modes of culturaland crca-tivc industry development according to the specific local conditions of economic leveland cultural resources, res
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