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2020-2021学年广西壮族自治区南宁市宾阳县新宾中学高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Li Dong _ for France next week. Lets hold a party for him.A. leaves B. would leave C. will have left D. is leaving参考答案:D试题分析:考查时态。用现在进行时态表时将来。故选D。【知识归纳】leave/come/go/fly/take等的进行时态表示将来。Im leaving for London.我将去伦敦。2. AIDS control and prevention is a challenge to China _ the whole world.A. as well B. as well asC. as good as D. as far as参考答案:Bas well as“也,又”。3. Einsteins theory proved _ and soon he became world famous.A. being corrected B. correctly C. as correct D. to be correct参考答案:D4. He the Red Army in 1933 and the famous Long March. A. joined; took part in B. took part in; joined C. attended; joined in D. joined in; attended参考答案:A5. I didnt like the way _ she spoke to me.A. which B. that C. how D. as参考答案:B6. There are many islands _ the Chinese coast.A. of B. off C. from D. on参考答案:B7. It is the ability to do the job matters, not where you come from or what you are.A.it B. what C. how D. that参考答案:D8. There are some _mistakes in your composition. A. spelling B. spell C. spelled D. spelt参考答案:A9. “I get everything all beautifully planned out and it has to go and rain,” Wilbur _.A. sighedB. frightenedC. upsetD. struggled参考答案:A【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我把一切都安排得很好,天要下雨,”威尔伯叹了口气。A. sighed叹气;B. frightened使害怕;C. upset使心烦;D. struggled奋斗,努力。因为天要下雨,所以“叹气”。故选A项。10. The old city _ in ruins when the war was _.A. lied; in the end B. lay; at an end C. lain; by the end D. laid; at the end参考答案:B11. Now most shops in big cities open until late into the night.A, leave B, become C, turn D,stay 参考答案:D12. You like sports _ I like reading. A.when B.while C.but D.once参考答案:B13. - Frequent lack of breakfast does harm to health.- _, why do you always do that?A.So whatB.If soC.If anyD.Even so参考答案:B考查情景交际。句意:经常不吃早餐对身体有害。如果是这样的话,那你为什么总不吃早餐呢?故选B。so what“那又怎样”;if any“若有的话,即便要”;even so“即使如此”。14. My sister has bought a new car _ color1 is bright red. A. its B. that C. whose D. which 参考答案:C15. . The manager told Ann to _ a party to welcome the foreign guests to their company the following week.A. join B. organize C. control D. schedule参考答案:B略二、 书面表达16. “考,考,考,教师的法宝;分,分,分,学生的命根”一直是广为传诵的流行语。最近某报社就是否应当经常考试对中学生做了一次问卷调查,调查结果如下表。部分学生认为 部分学生认为经常考试好处多;了解自己的学习情况;改进学习方法,取得更大进步。频繁考试影响正常学习;学生紧张,厌倦学习;没时间锻炼和培养自己的兴趣爱好。请你根据调查的结果,用英语为该报社写一篇120词左右的报道,向读者介绍这次调查的结果,并表达你自己的观点。 参考答案:How often should students be tested? A recent survey shows that many teachers give students exams once every few weekssometimes even once a week . Some students think that there are many advantages in having frequent exams, believing that exams help them know how theyre getting on with their studies. Thus, they can improve their study method and make greater progress. However, other students complain that exams break up learning rather than encourage it if they are set too often. This is particularly true if they are given to the class in a nervous and formal atmosphere. As a result, some of them may lose interest in studies. Moreover, students will have no time to have sports or develop their own interests if they have to be busy making preparations for one exam after another.17. 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Jenny最近身体不舒服,来信向你询问如何保持健康。请你给她回信并提出建议。内容如下:1注意合理饮食:多吃鱼、新鲜蔬菜和水果等有营养的食品,不要吃太多的肉和甜食;2保证充足睡眠,不要熬夜,每天至少睡8个小时;3多参加体育锻炼,戒掉吸烟,养成良好的饮食习惯。注意:1.词数:120左右;2信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3参考词汇:有营养的nutritious熬夜 stay upDear Jenny, Yours, Li Hua参考答案:三、 阅读理解18. Ten years ago I used to be very fit (健康的). I rode a bike to work and I got a lot of exercise at weekends. I used to play tennis a lot and go for long walks. In those days I didnt earn very much. I had a job in an office. It wasnt a very good job but I had a lot of time to d
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