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毕业设计(论文)说明书题目:A Brief Analysis of Luckin Coffees ChallengingStarbucks瑞幸咖啡挑战星巴克战略分析系名社会科学与外国语系专业商务英语学号6014206157学生姓名杨欣彤指导教师_张帆2019年6月12日the competitive pressure of coffee market is also increasing. Starbucks plans to openmore than 5,000 stores in China by 2021; Costa also plans to have 700 stores in Chinaby 2022; catering companies such as KFC and McDonalds have developed groundcoffee products to try to enter the coffee market; convenience stores such as 7-11 havealso begun to engage in the sale of ground coffee. As a new member, Luckin coffeebreaks through by changing the traditional coffee consumption mode and marketingstrategy through the new retail mode.2. E-marketing PatternLuckin coffee uses the Internet marketing mode, and what is the differencebetween the traditional way? First, the capital model is different. Internet companiescan start with sufficient or even continuous funds to support direct challenges toleading brands. This is difficult for the traditional model to have; second, thedevelopment logic is different. Traditional enterprises often need to validate profitmodels on a small scale, and then replicate and expand on the basis of profit. Internetenterprises can skip the profit model, and take the user or customer growth model asthe development logic, first circle the occupants or customers to a certain scale, andthen use scale advantage or business model innovation to achieve profit on the basisof mass users; third, marketing and operation efficiency are different. Firstly, with thehelp of these first-hand and accurate coffee data, the coffee retail industry is generallyfacing problems such as supply chain, store location, repurchase rate and so on. It ispossible to obtain high-precision solutions. Secondly, these user behavior Internet datacan be recorded and stored, and user data analysis can be carried out to achieve theusers consumption behavior portrait. Thirdly, based on the flow of existing users,Ruisheng Coffee can create a flow pool, with the flow pool operation, constantlybring new users fission, low cost to achieve customer growth.III. Marketing Competition between Luckin Coffee and StarbucksA. The Related Theory about Marketing Strategy1. The STP Marketing Theory1The construction and implementation of STP theory system is the central link ofcontemporary marketing. The main process is that enterprises divide the market intoseveral sub-markets through certain standards, then select parts as the objectives ofenterprises, and establish the position of products or services in the market. Themarketing theory system around target market is STP theory system, in which S refersto Segmentation, T refers to Targeting, P refers to Positioning.Market Segmentation Theory: Market Segmentation (Market segmentation) refersto enterprises in accordance with fixed standards to target the market. The demand ofeach market segment is different. According to their own conditions and marketconditions, enterprises design corresponding products, prices, services andpromotional means to meet the needs of customers in the market segments, and havereached the maximization of the interests of enterprises. Market segmentation is thedivision of customer demand rather than product categories. Through marketsegmentation, enterprises can face customer groups, produce targeted products, graspthe similarities and differences between different markets, so that enterprises candetermine the target market more reasonably.A former tech executive who drinks three to five cups of coffee each day 一perhaps at least two of them from Starbucks 一 Jenny Zhiya Qian must have askedherself: Why do people want coffees?People from Italy 一 where drinking coffee is considered a national lifestyle 一might have a different answer from the Americans who see coffee as a sugarystimulant beverage. As the Seattle coffee chain has made China its largest non-USmarket where it opened more than 3,300 stores, Starbucks has introduced theAmerican interpretation of coffee to the Chinese middle class.In China, coffee used to be the trendy western beverage that shows ones status,education, and taste. Jenny Zhiya Qian knows that it is no longer true. By 2022, morethan 70 percent of Chinas urban population will be entering the middle class, per thecountrys own criteria. The nations amount of coffee consumption is increasing (linkin Chinese) by 15 to 20 percent each year. But moving forward, will the Starbucksmodel 一 which has been working for over 20 years 一 satisfy Chinas new cofleeconsumers?Qian founded Luckin Coffee in 2017, a homegrown coffee startup that has turnedinto Starbucks Chinas biggest challenger. Within a year, it is now worth $1 billion,and has become Chinas first coffee shop unicorn. But seeing Luckin as a Starbuckscopycat w
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