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2020-2021学年江西省九江市吴城中学高二英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. The Mp3 _ young people _ a bit of decline recently with the appearance of the Mp4.A. intending to; has entered into B. intended for; has gone intoC. meant to; takes on D. meant for; opens up参考答案:B【详解】考查动词短语辨析和时态。句意:随着MP4的出现,为年轻人设计的这款MP3的销量已经下滑了。短语be intended for为设计,be meant for本应为,be meant to do sth.打算做某事,enter into参与,go into进入(某种状态),take on呈现,open up开发,本句最后使用短语intended for做定语修饰the MP3;副词recently意为“近来”,通常和现在完成时连用。结合句意,故B项正确。2. Nobody except Bill and Johnny _ entered the second round of the interview.A. has B. haveC. had D. having参考答案:A【详解】考查主谓一致。句意:除了比尔和约翰尼,没有人参加第二轮面试。结合句意可知句子用现在完成时态,except连接主语,谓语动词遵循就远原则,和不定代词Nobody保持一致,故选A。3. Applicants _ first language is not English are required to achieve a satisfactory standard in University-approved Test in English.A. whoB. in whichC. whoseD. that参考答案:C4. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found. A. which B. that C. what D. whether参考答案:B5. _ is known to us all, the 2012 Olympic games will take place in London. A. It B. As C. What D. Which参考答案:B6. Id appreciate _ if you could help me wash the dishes.A. that B. what C. it D. this参考答案:C7. “Duang” is so new a buzz word _ does not even exist in the Chinese dictionary though it has already spread online in China.A. which B. that C. what D. as 参考答案:D8. It is not difficult to _ Mr. Huang from among a crowd because he is above average height.A. leave outB. pick outC. run intoD. look into参考答案:B9. The news _ Mo Yan does not deserve the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature is _ I disagree. A. that;what B. which;that C. that;where D. /;how参考答案:C10. You can see the stars on a clear night, but in the daytime they are _A. unbelievable B. invisible C. inaccessible D. unavailable参考答案:B略40.His remarks _ me in my opinion that he was a very considerate boyAconcerned Bcontacted Cconfirmed Dconsidered参考答案:C略30. _you have expressed your fierce determination to get it right, you should act immediately. A. Even though B. Ever since C. Now that D. As though参考答案:C略13. “The interest _ be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,” declared the judge.A. must B. should C. shall D. may参考答案:C14. It _ all the morning, and we dont know when it will_.A. has rained, let up B. has been raining, let upC. has rained, let out D. has been raining, let out参考答案:B15. When I was in hospital, my mother promised me that she would take me to Shanghai _ I was well enough to travel, which _ my recovery.A. direct; contribute to B. directly; contributed to C. directly; attribute to D. directly; attribute to参考答案:B二、 书面表达16. 假设你是王晓明,请根据你校美化校园的规划,用英语给你在美国的笔友Peter写一封短信,介绍该规划。短信的主要内容如下:规划目的 :美化校园、净化空气 。创造良好学习和生活环境。规划内容 :种植花草树木。建一个植物园,供参观、实践;建一个小花园,供休息、读书;建几座名人雕塑,激励师生。词数:100左右。参考词汇:雕塑statue (n.) 植物园botanical garden (n.)_参考答案:Dear Peter ,Id like to tell you that our school has worked out a new program.The purposes of the program are to make our school more beautiful, to make the air cleaner and fresher ,and to turn our school into a better place for us to study and live in .According to the program , we will plant different kinds of trees , flowers and grass in and around our school . A botanical garden will be built for us to visit and practice in . Besides , we are to build a small garden in which we can do some reading and take a rest .Whats more ,some statues of famous people will be set up to encourage us to work harder . Dont you think it a wonderful program?Welcome to our school if you have any chance .Yours ,Wangxiaoming试题分析:本文是一篇书信,是提纲式作文。它提供的文字素材一般较为简洁,但写作文时要用上这类写作题, 考生应注意以下几点: 1. 切忌写成“填表题”。一定要用短文的形式来表达。2. 切忌“一对一直译”。提纲中的汉语提示有些概括性强、比较简洁,有些较为抽象、复杂, 所以表达时切忌逐字逐句机械地直译、硬译。要灵活调整信息、适当补充成分、采用意译法等写出符合英语表达习惯的文章。3. 巧妙组合信息。要善于根据提纲上下、左右的关系整合要点。若是因果关系, 就可以考虑用for, because, therefore等来组合信息。4. 避免句式单一。表格里某一栏或列的内容一般用来表达同类信息, 如建议、方法等。为了避免句式重复、单调、呆板, 我们要学会用不同的表达方式表达同类的信息。【名师点睛】本文是一篇书信。格式正确,内容符合要求,结构布局合理,文中使用高级句子。Id like to tell you that our school has worked out a new program.that引导宾语从句;The purposes of the program are to make our school more beautiful, to make the air cleaner and fresher ,and to turn our school into a better place for us to study and live in .三个并列的动词不定式做表语;A botanical garden will be built for us to visit and practice
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