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2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期期末综合练习L Choose the best answer()1. We will take a busRose Garden Road.A. inB. toC. offD. on()2. Itsfor the boy to work out the maths problem.A. hardB. wellC. easilyD. different()3. There isnttea now. Would you likewater?A. any, someB. some, anyC. some, someD. any, any()4. There_ a car exhibition the day after tomorrow.A. hasB. will haveC. beD. is going to be()5. Sign your name _the bottom of the page.A. atB. inC. onD. from()6. There istraffic in the countryside.A. not manyB. too manyC. not muchD. too much()7.I lived in the suburbs, I fished a lot.A. WhenB. WhyC. WhatD. Whose)8. 一 What season isnow?一 winter because people are wearing warm clothes.A. it, ItB. its, ItsC. it, ItsD. its, It)9.1write it well in English but Ispeak it well.A. cant, cantB. can, mustC. cant, canD. can, need)10. This sign tells us how and wherego. It is asign.A. to, directionB. to, warningC. /, informationD. /, instruction)11. What does this sign?A. meansB. meanC. meaningD. meant)12. If Ido well on the tests again, my parents will be angry.A. doesntB. wontC. dontD. isnt)13. Get up, Tom! Or you willA. lostB. lose)14. 一 can we find the sign?A. What, on B. Where, on)15. Bewhen you start a fire.A. careB. carefullythe school bus again.C. missD. misseda road.D. When, inC. How, inC. carefulD. carelessD. neednt talkthree hours.D.withD. onHero.)16. The rule tells usin the library.A. don9t talk B. not to talk C. talk)17. Lisa has practiced playing the pianoA. inB. atC. for)18. What will you havelunch.A. forB. inC. /)19. Some of us like the film at City CinemaA. calledB.callsC. callingD.to call()20. 一 Shall we sing karaoke at home this evening? .A. Thank youB. Thats allC. Good ideaD.My pleasure()21. - My father doesnt smoke now. mine.A. So doesB. Neither doesC. So doesntD.Neither doesnt()22. 一 My mother liked cooking very much. .A. So do my motherB. So does my motherC. So did my motherD. Neither does my mother.()23.should we do if we want good health?A. HowB. WhatC. WhyD. What kind()24.1get up late.But now Igetting up early in the morning.A.used to, used toB.used to, am used toC.am used to, am used toD. am used to, used to()25.-Therea lot of small flats, but now most of us live in bigger ones.A.used to beB.used to C.was used to be D.is used to doing( )26.They are trying hard to raise moneythe poor family.A.toB. forC.withD.as()27.-are they going to have an international food festival? -To raise somemoney. A.WhatB. WhereC. Why.D. How()28.-How much does it?-A plate of fish9 yuan.A.cost, spends B. cost, costsC.spend, costs D. cost, cost()29. There isinternational food festival at our school.A. aB. anC. theD. /()30. My aunt arrived at the airportthe morning of June 1st.A. inB. onC. atD. for()31.are you going to help the homeless? -By raising money for them.A. WhatB. WhenC. WhyD. How()32. Let the boysthere discussion4:30 pm.A. to have, in B. to have, at C. have, in D. have, at()33. Teachers often tell usin the street.A. not playB. not to playC. to not play D. dont play()34. Dad likes playingchess while Mum likes playingpiano.A. the, theB. the, /C./, theD. /, /()35. 一 When are you going to have the international food festival. 一 Lets have it.A. Saturday 12 MarchB. on Saturday 12 MarchC. 12 March SaturdayD. on 12 March Saturday()36.一Say Good trip” to Ben for me. 一.A. rd love to. B Thank you. C. What a pity.D. Yes, I will.()37. - Would you likecartoons?Td rathersome storybooks.A. to watch, read B. watch, to readC. to look at, see D. see, look()38. The students are looking forwarda New Year Party.A. haveB. to havingC. to haveD. having()39. The music sounds.How well they are playing!A. wellB. beautifulC. friendlyD. nicely()40.1 am looking forward toyou soon.A. hears of B. hear from C. to hear of D. hearing from()41.We need to eatchocolatesweets to keep from getting fat.A. least, fewest B. more, more C. less, fewer D. much, many()42. Tony is lookingat the dish and he looks.A. careful, excitedB. excited, carefulC. carefully, excitedD. carefully, carefully()43. Whatyoufor Mums birthday?A. do.need to buy B. need.to buy C. do.need buy D. need.buyingBAADA DACCA BCCBC BBAAC BCBBA BCBBB DDBCB DABBDCCAIL Fill in the blanks with the proper form.1. Living in the countryside isnt convenient, but. (peace)2. I go to the cinemaa month, (one)3. Could you tell us something about, children? (your)4. Life in our neighbourhood is quiet and. (please)5. I dont like living in the city because it is too. (noise)6. Alice is veryto live in the big ci
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