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嘉定区2021学年第一学期高三年级第一次质量调研英语试卷(满分140分考试时间120分钟)I. Listening ComprehensionSection A ( 10 分)Directions: In Section A. you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the endof each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and thequestions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read(he four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the questionyou have heard.A. In a furniture store.B. In a theatre.C. In a restaurant.2. A. A pilot3. A. Worried.4. A. Watch a movie.C. Take notes.D. In a booking office.B. A doctor.C. A salesman.D. A host.B. Delighted.C. Frustrated.D. Angry.B. Prepare for the lest.D. Go to an evening class.5. A. The actor should be more professional.B. The lead role in (he performance is unknown.C. The performance is good except for the music.D. The music is perfectly nice.6. A. Language learning.B. Work schedules.C. Favorite hobbies.D. Leisure activities.7. A. The traffic is less serious than thought.B. Its loo far to get to the restaurant on time.C. The party will be over before they arrive.D. They will arrive at the restaurant very late.8. A. He doesnt stick to his PC recently.B. He thinks chatting online is out of date.C. He is still fascinated by chatting online.D. He doesnt like chatting online anymore.9. A. The job interview with the candidates is tough.B. The competition among (he companies is fierce.C. The number of (he applications is still increasing.D. Few of the candidates will be inten iewed at last.10. A. The man is not serious about the decision.B. Its wise to spend all the night studying.C. Staying up late docs no good to the exam.D. The man should gel prepared for the exam.A. Value of Paleolithic ArtworkB. Presen ation of Figurative ArtC. Artistic Expressions of NatureD. Searches fbr Cave PaintingsSection C ( 8 分)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in theEach sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. Instead, he writes a program that can learn for itself, and then shows that program thousandsof pictures of stop signs.B. The high-tech vision system has the potential to be more successful than humans I indetecting dangerous situations.C. How to give Al at least some appearance of that understanding the reasoning ability of aseven-monih-old child, perhapsis now a matter of active research.D. Programmers have developed procedures that behave like the neurons(神经元)in a brain.They can learn from (he actions taken in previous situations and infer what to do in a new,similar situation.E. This understanding of “object permanence, is a normal developmental milestone, as well asa basic principle of reality.F. Similar techniques are used to train self-driving cars to operate in traffic.Is It Smarter Than a Scvcn-month-old?By the age of seven months, most children have learned that objects still exist even whenthey arc out of sight. Put a toy under a blanket and a child that old will know it is still there, and(hat he can reach underneath the blanket to get it back. (67).It is also something that self-driving cars do not have. And that is a problem. Autonomousvehicles arc getting better, but they still dont understand the world in the way that a human beingdoes. For a self-driving car, a bicycle that is momentarily hidden by a passing van is a bicycle thathas ceased (o exist.This failing is basic to the now-widespread computing discipline that has claimed to be theslightly misleading name of artificial intelligence (Al). Current Al works by building up complexstatistical models of the world, but it lacks a deeper understanding of reality. (68).Modem Al is based on the idea of machine learning. If an engineer wants a computer torecognize a stop sign, he does not try to write thousands of lines of code that describe everypattern of pixels (像素)which could possibly indicate such a sign. (69).Over manyrepetitions, the program gradually works out what features all of these pictures have in common.(70).Cars thus learn how to obey lane markings, avoid other vehicles, hit thebrakes at a red light and so on. But they do not understand many things a human driver takes forgrantedthat other cars on the road have engines and four wheels, or (hat they obey trafficregulations (usually) and the laws of physics (always). And they do not understand objectpermanence.IV. Summary writing (10 分)Directions: Read the fallowing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of thepassage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.How Career Planning Can Help You Get AheadAre you feeling trapped in a boring and un fulfil ling job? Or maybe youre looking for a jobbut
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