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2020 届高考英语一轮总复习Module3 讲义精品荟萃外研版必修4 1 / 10 2020;2020 届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精选荟萃外研版必修四Module 3 知识详解1 involvevt.包含;波及;使参加( 回归课本 P22)Greetings in Asian countries do not involve touching the other person ,but they always involve the hands. 亚洲人打招呼是不包含接触他人身体的,但常常会用得手。概括总结例句探源Every day each of us makes decisions that involve taking a chance. 每日我们每一个人作出的决定都包含试运气的成分。( 牛津 P1078)I was so involved in my book that I didnt hear you knock. 我聚精会神在看书,没听到你叩门。Dont involve me in your quarrel. 不要把我卷入你们的争执。Most people don t realize the amount of effort that is involved in writing a novel. 大多半人都不理解写一本小说要花多少心血。即境活用1All the children were _in the school English competition held on Sunday. Aattended Cinvolved Bjoined D connected 分析:选C。句意为“所有的孩子都参加了学校礼拜天的英语比赛”。注意题中使用了被动构造, A、B 第一被清除; D 项常有的搭配是be connected to 或 be connected 2020 届高考英语一轮总复习Module3 讲义精品荟萃外研版必修4 2 / 10 with ,不与介词in 搭配; be involved in. “参加了”。2._in reading the book all evening ,he took no notice of everything. AInvolvingBInvolved CInvolveD To involve 分析:选 B。 be involved in doing sth. 表示“专心于干某事”,故B 项正确。2 deal n协议,交易v经营;买卖;办理( 回归课本 P22)We shake hands when we make a deal. 完成了协议,我们就握握手。概括总结deal with 办理,安排;阐述,波及;做买卖deal in 经营make a deal 完成协议;做成交易a great/good deal 常接比较级好多a great/good deal of大批,很多修饰不行数名词It s a deal. 口语 成交;就这么办吧。例句探源( 高考纲领全国卷 )They learn not only how to run a coffee shop but also how to deal with their affairs.他们既学习如何经营咖啡店,也学习如何办理自己的事务。He knew a good deal more than I did. 他懂得比我多好多。The company has made a new deal with a buyer in America. 这家企业与美国的一位买主做了一笔新买卖。易混辨析do with, deal with 在表示“办理,对待”时,do with和 deal with在陈说句中能够相互替代。但是2020 届高考英语一轮总复习Module3 讲义精品荟萃外研版必修4 3 / 10 在特别疑问句中,表示“怎么办理,怎么对待”时,用法不一样。即 do with中, do 是及物动词,后来需接宾语,而deal with中 deal 是不及物动词,后来不可以接宾语。Last summer I took a courseon what to do with poisonous gases. Last summer I took a course on how to deal with poisonous gases.What do you do with the difficulties you face? How do you deal with the difficulties you face? 即境活用3 Take it;it is really a bargain.You wont get a cheaper one in this world. OK,it Aprice s a _. B prize C deal D truth 分析:选 C。考察名词词义。依据语境可知“买卖成交”,所以用 deal 。而 price “价格”; prize “奖品”;4.The classroom is truth very “事实”,都与语境不符,故答案为C。noisy, butthe greenheadteacher doesnt know_. Ahowto do with it B what to deal with it C howto deal with it D what to do with 分析:选 C。“如何办理某事”有两种表达方式: how.deal with sth. 和 what.do with sth.,应选择C。3 favour(favor)n帮助,恩泽,同意,关怀,偏袒v支持;喜爱;偏袒,有助于( 回归课本 P28)Can I ask you a favour? 我能请你帮个忙吗?概括总结2020 届高考英语一轮总复习Module3 讲义精品荟萃外研版必修4 4 / 10 例句探源Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today?今日你能帮我个忙去学校接山姆吗?She always favours her youngest child. 她老是独爱她最小的孩子。( 朗文 P694)She s very much in favour with the management at the moment.她当前很受管理层的喜爱。Yet polls still show a narrow majorit in more countries. y of Europeans in favour of taking 但是民心检查显示依旧有过多半的欧洲人赞同采取更多的国家。即境活用5A fashion _this year may be _next year. Aout of favour;into favour Bin favour;out of favour Cin favour of;of favour Dto favour;out of favour 分析:选B。i n favour “受欢迎的,流行的”;out of favour“失宠的,不受欢迎的”。4 requestvt.恳求;要求n恳求;要求;邀请( 回归课本 P28)Mr.and Mrs.Harry Blunkett request the pleasure of your company 2020 届高考英语一轮总复习Module3 讲义精品荟萃外研版必修4 5 / 10 at the wedding of. 哈里布伦基特夫妻诚邀您莅临的婚礼。概括总结You are requested not to speak aloud in the reading room. 你不要在阅览室高声吵闹。The staff immediately requested that he reconsider his decision. 职工立刻要求他从头考虑他的决定。( 朗文 P1737)They have made an urgent request for international aid.他们紧迫要求国际救助。Further details will be sent on request.详尽资料承索即寄。He was there at the request of his manager. 他依据经理的要求到了那边。6( 高考湖北卷 )Duty is an act or a course of action that people_you to take by social customs,law or religion. ApersuadeBrequestCinstruct Dexpect 分析:选D。句意:所谓职责,是人们希望经过社会风俗、法律或宗教而让我们采取的一种行为或行动方式。此题考察动词辨析。expect sb.to do sth. “期望 / 期望某人做某事”,切合题意和搭配。request sb.to do sth.表示“ ( 以口头或书面形式) 要求, ( 尤指 ) 恳求某人做某事”,如: I requested him to help. 我恳求他帮忙。persuade sb.to do sth.说服或劝告某人做某事;instruct sb.to do sth.“嘱咐 / 命令 / 指导某人做某事”,都不切合句意。7.The newlyfounded chess club formaly_us to attend the opening ceremony. ArequestedBrequiredC demandedDcommanded 分析:选A。request常用于正式场合的恳求。句意为:这家新建立的象棋俱乐部2020 届高考英语一轮总复习Module3 讲义精品荟萃外研版必修4 6 / 10 正式邀请我们参加开幕式。5 give away裸露 ( 自己的状况) ;泄漏;赠予;颁发( 回归课本P22)People give away much more by their gestures than by their words. 人们经过姿势表达的意思要比经过话语表达得更多。概括总结give in to 退步,投诚,折服give back 送还,恢复give off 放出,发散give out 发散;用完,耗尽;发出give way to 给让路 /退步;被取代( 朗文 P874)He said he hadn t told her, but his face gave him away.他说他没有告诉她,但是他的表情说明他在谎话。He gave away most of his money to charity. 他把大多半钱都捐馈赠慈善事业了。The headmaster gave away the prizes at the sports meeting. 校长在运动会上颁发奖品。They argued back and forth until finally Jack gave in. 他们频频争辩,直到最后杰克退步为止。I was so frightened that my legs gave out, and I reached for the door. 我吓得两腿发软,便伸手去扶门。8.If aperson has not had enough sleep , his actions will give him_during the day. Aaway Bup C in D back 分析:选A。句意是:假如一个人没有足够的睡眠,在白日,他的行为就会显露出来。此句要用 give away 表示“泄漏;出卖”; give up 放弃; give in 折服;退步;2020 届高考英语一轮总复习Module3 讲义精品荟萃外研版必修4
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