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高中英语真题 :2014 届高考英语复习讲练测:单元精练 14大学生活即将开始,你将面对新的学习和生活环境,请根据提示写一篇英语短文,谈谈你打算如何安排你的大学生活。内容要点应包括:1确定新的学习目标;2改进学习方法;3学会独立生活;4参加各种课外活动;5处理好与同学的关系;注意: 1.短文内容要连贯、完整;2词数 100 左右(开头已给出的单词不计入单词总数)。_模板:I will go to college in the near future. Therefore, (要点 1)_and ( 要点2)_Whats more( 要点3) _.If possible, ( 要点4)_.Finally, (要点5)_ ( 结尾句)_.I will go to college in the near future. Therefore, I would like to set a new target for my studies after I enter college and improve my way of learning.Whats more, as I am away from my parents, it is necessary for me to learn to live on my own, such as doing some washing and cleaning by myself.If possible, I will take part in different kinds of school activities, for example, I will often go to the English Corner to practice my spoken English.Finally, I need to get along well with my classmates and teachers at college. I think I will have a wonderful college life. 完形填空 Two years ago my family moved. The day we left, my best friend and I cried together in my empty bedrooms for hours. I was miserable and homesick during the fivehour car to my new house. Life was _1_. When we finally arrived at my new house, I _2_ to the phone to tell my best friend my _3_ and phone number. We talked for a little while, but I had to _4_ because the long distance call was expensive. On the first day of school, I called her to tell her _5_ it went. Then, on Halloween, I sent her a letter and a picture of my new friends and me. _6_ , she wrote me a letter. It wasnt even a letter just a piece of paper _7_. “Best friends forever.” When I finally got her e mail address, I _8_ her the longest letter that I have ever written. I _9_ received an e mail back, and by the third email letter with no _10_ , my messages grew_11_.Mom said that I could always call my other friends, that I _12_ always call her. _13_ up my best friend? My first answer was automatically “_14_!” But after five more e mail messages, three phone calls and two more letters. I started to _15_ what my mom had said every night for about a week, I stayed up in bed thinking “Should I give up or _16_ trying ?” To me, keeping in touch is part of being a friend and is important. To her, it really didnt seem to _17_. After two years of disappointment, I finally got a phone call from my best friend. She told me how _18_ she was for not writing. I came to realize that true friends never really _19_ their special connection. Even after two years it felt like we had just talked yesterday. Now she and I write _20_or at least she tries to, and she tries hard. What more could a friend ask for?1A.unbelievable Bunchangeable Cunbearable Dunreasonable【答案与解析】C 根据上文的“在一起哭了几个小时”来判断,离开了最好的朋友,作者觉得生活是“不可忍受的”。2A.jumped Bwalked Cwent Dran【答案与解析】D 到了新家迫不及待地想与朋友联系,所以是“跑过去”打电话,虽然 walked 和 went 都可以用,但是描写不出作者当时急切的心情。3A.street B address C postcode D house【答案与解析】B 作者想让朋友知道自己住在什么地方,如何同自己联系,所以要告诉她“地址”和电话号码。如果用 street和 postcode 则不具体,告诉她house 则没有意义。4A.hung up B stop C hold up D hold on【答案与解析】A 根据下文的“因为长途话费很贵”推测,作者打了一会就挂断了电话。stop “停止”,不能明确表明“停止交谈”这层含义; hold up“举起”; hold on“稍等”,正好与此处意思相反。5A.how B what C why D that【答案与解析】A 由于 went 是不及物动词,所以what 不正确,that 在宾语从句中没有意思,根据语义看作者想告诉朋友上学的情况,所以用how。6A.At last B Finally C However DTherefore【答案与解析】B at last “终于”,表示经过一段时间后所发生的事; otherwise “否则”;however“然而”; therefore“因此”,与上文意思不符。此处也表示出作者急切等待的心情。7A.telling B signing C repeating D saying【答案与解析】D 根据后面的“ Best friends forever ”看,这是朋友写在信中的话。表示“上面写着”常用 read 或 say; tell“告诉”,一般需要接双宾语。8A.phoned B emailed C wrote D delivered【答案与解析】B 根据上文的“电子邮件地址”可知,作者应该是用电子邮件发的最长的一封信。由于下文已经有written ,并且后面提到 received ,所以信是发出去的。所以用emailed 。9A.last B ever C even D never【答案与解析】D 根据下文的 no response 判断,作者始终没有得到回信。10A.response B question C news D fact【答案与解析】A response “回复”,根据上文的received an email back看,作者写的第三封邮件朋友也没有回复。11A.longer B shorter C thicker D thinner【答案与解析】B 给朋友发了邮件,朋友不回复,所以作者就觉得无话可说,因此邮件也就越写越短。12A.mustnt B shouldnt C neednt D cant【答案与解析】C neednt “没有必要”;shouldn t “不应该”;mustnt “禁止”;cant “不能”。题意:妈妈说我可以给其他朋友去电话,“没必要”总给她打。13A.Give B Take C Pick D Put【答案与解析】A give up“放弃”; take up“占用”; pick up“捡起”; put up“举起”。妈妈让她给别的朋友打电话,言外之意就是“放弃那个朋友”。14A.No matter B Not really C No way D No problem【答案与解析】C no way“没门儿”; not really“不可能”; no problem “没问题”; no matter “没关系” 。从下文看她还是继续给那个朋友发邮件,所以选C 项。15A.think B consider C say D explain【答案与解析】B think “认为;想”; consider “考虑”;explain “解释”;作者又发了很多邮件、打了电话、也写了信,但是没有结果,所以她开始“考虑”妈妈的话。16A.keep B enjoy C insist D suggest【答案与解析】A 此处的 or 表示选择,是该“放弃”还是“继续试着”跟她联系。insist 后要加 on。17A.help B matter C make D affect【答案与解析】B 题意:对我来说,保持联系是朋友关系中的一部分。对她而言,这似乎无关紧要。matter 作为动词,意为“关系”。18A.miserable B regretful C sorry D shameful【答案与解析】C regretful“后悔的”;miserable “悲惨的”;shameful “羞愧的”。朋友收到了她的邮件而没有回,自然感到很“抱歉”。19A.lose B keep C make D Get【答案与解析】A 题意:“我”开始意识到忠实的朋友从不真正“失去”特殊的关系。如用keep 则与原句意思相悖。20A.immediately Bseldom C hardly D.Regularly【答案与解析】D B、C 两项都是否定意义的词; immediately “立刻”;与下文的she tries to 不相符; regularly“定期地”,此处表示作者和朋友定期联系。. 单项填空1She was _ when a _ figure suddenly appeared in front of her on her way home yesterday evening.Afrightened; frigh
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