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2020 届高考英语一轮Unit3 Tomorrow sworld 精品导学案译林牛津版必修4 1 / 17 2020;2020 届英语一轮精选导教案:Unit3 Tomorrow s world (译林牛津版必修4)一、知识(一)词汇部分1. 【原句再现】 Special food and drink chemicals are delivered into the viewer s mouth via a straw sensor. (P42) 【知识重点】动词deliver的用法【诊疗】给出划线部分词语的汉语意思。They delivered the thief over to the police. The lecture is to be delivered at the hall. The police delivered the hostages from the terrorists. 2. 【原句再现】 To add to the virtual world of RealCine,the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment. (P42) 【知识重点】 add to 的用法 ; add to,与 add up to的用法差别【诊疗】给出划线部分词语的汉语意思。The recent happenings added to the pressure on the organization committee. His whole schooling added up to only one year. The guests, present at the party, each wore a flower, which added to their beauty. 3. 【原句再现】 To add to the virtual world of RealCine,the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment. (P42) 【知识重点】 give out的用法【诊疗】给出划线部分词语的汉语意思。The rotten eggs give out a bad smell The news of the Presidents death was given out in a radio broadcast. 2020 届高考英语一轮Unit3 Tomorrow sworld 精品导学案译林牛津版必修4 2 / 17 According to this speed of mining, the coal on the earth will give out inhundreds of years 4. 【原句再现】An argument has been put forward that some users will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real.(P43) 【知识重点】 put forward的用法 ; put forward,put away与 put up with 的差别【诊疗】给出划线部分词语的汉语意思。The proposals she put forward in this report are of great significance. Mothers always ask their children to put away their toys.Everybody in the office must put up with large pressure when the new manager came here. 5. 【原句再现】 He also believed that he had been recognized by fans ,who had asked him to sign his name for them. (P43) 【知识重点】 sign 的用法【诊疗】给出划线部分词语的汉语意思。The patient was showing some signs of improvement.(2020;2020全国 ) I made a sign for him to follow me.I ve signed up for evening classes.6.【原句再现】Scientistsresponsible for soya bean plastic say that studies into natural plastic have been completed ,and that various plasticmaterial will be produced soon. (P49) 【知识重点】 responsible的用法【诊疗】给出划线部分词语的汉语意思。All pilots should be responsible for their passengers safety. This weather is responsible for the delay.He thinks he has a responsibilityto guide and assistyoung up-and-coming musicians. 7. 【原句再现】 Music industry accuses Fanning of piracy and sues N . 2020 届高考英语一轮Unit3 Tomorrow sworld 精品导学案译林牛津版必修4 3 / 17 (P51) 【知识重点】 accuse 与 charge 的用法差别【诊疗】在划线部分填出适合的词语。It is wrong toa person of a crime unless you have proof that he is guilty. 指控一个人犯法是错误的,除非你有凭证证明他有罪。The policehim with attempted murder.警察指控他试图谋杀。8. 【原句再现】 With the help of force from a black hole ,they are able to guide the lost spaceship safely back to the earth.(P58) 【知识重点】 force, strength, energy与 power的差别【诊疗】单项选择:选择能填入题干空白处的最正确选项。Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _.A. abilityB. forceC. strengthD. mind You are always full of. Can you tell me the secret? Taking plenty of exercise every day. (2020;2020福建 ) A.powerB.strengthC.forceD.energy 9. 【原句再现】 They cameacross huge insects and manystrange creatures. (P58) 【知识重点】 come across,come about 与 come up 的差别【诊疗】给出划线部分词语的汉语意思。Many a quarrel has come about through misunderstandings. The question of wage increase came up at the board meeting. They came across unexpected difficulties in the process of experiment (二)句型部分1. 【原句再现】 Special gloves are also worn so that people in the film can be touched. (P42) 【知识重点】 so that的用法【诊疗】在划线部分填出适合的词语。2020 届高考英语一轮Unit3 Tomorrow sworld 精品导学案译林牛津版必修4 4 / 17 Tom is busy a man that he has little time for his friends. =Tom is a busy man that he has little time for his friends. 二、词汇识记(一)单词部分1. 方案;建议 (n.)_2.乐不行支的狂的(adj.)_ 3. 讯 问 (vt.)_4. 流 行 , 受 欢 迎 (n.)_ 5.批 评(vt.) _ 6.渐渐黯淡/ 消失 / 衰败 (vi.) _ 7.表达,流露(vt.) _ 8.救援 ,援 救 (vt.) _ 9.现实 ,真切 _(n.)_ 10.人物(n.)_11. 使 能 够 (vt.)_12. 投 资(v.)_ 13. 缺乏经验 (adj.)_ (二)词块部分1.以为 背 景 _ 2.传达 _ 3.成 千 上 万 的_ 4.与相连结 _ 5最后但相同重要_ 6.创办,创立_ 7.封闭 _ 8.在某人看来_ 三、稳固(一)单项填空:选择能填入题干空白处的最正确选项。(40 分)1.-Shall I give you a ride since you live so far away? -Thank you. _. 2.-The 3-D film provides new experiences of _ space. -Yes. You can even take _ journey to the end of the solar system. A. the; aB.不填 ; aC. the; the D.不填 ; the 3. Some people were tricked_believingwhat hesaid, but 2020 届高考英语一轮Unit3 Tomorrow sworld 精品导学案译林牛津版必修4 5 / 17 _reality, he is always telling lies. A. to; inB. into; inC. to; onD into; on 4. New Yorkers have their own _way of celebrating SaintPatrick sDay, which you can t find in other cities. A. passiveB. amazingC. winningD unique 5.Not only_ us around places of interest, but also_ us a wonderful lecture. A. did Kevin show; he gaveB. Kevin showed; he gave C. Kevin showed; did he giveD. did Kevin show; did he give 6.I had no idea about how to make the most of my spare time, so my father _ several good suggestions to guide me. A. looked forward to B. put forward C. rose up against D camea
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