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2020 届高考英语语法专题复习分类汇编精品讲义句子1 / 8 2020;2020 届高考英语语法专题复习分类汇编精选讲义句子1. Someone wants you on the phone. _ nobody knows I am here. (2020;2020 新课标卷25) A. AlthoughB. And C. ButD. So 【分析】选 C。此题要掌握前后两个句子的逻辑关系。前半句为,有人给你打电话;后半句为,没人知道我在这儿,依据句意可知前后两句显然为转折关系,应选C。2. _ a strange plant! Ive never seen it before. (2020;2020辽宁卷33) A. Which B. What C. How D. Whether 【分析】选 B。what 指引一个叹息句。简单句所波及的考点主要包含叹息句和反意疑问句。一、叹息句_ she sings! I have never heard a better voice. A. How beautiful B. What beautiful song C. How beautifully D. So wonderful 【分析】选 C。此为“ how副词主语谓语”形式的叹息句。简单句叹息句的基本构造特色是:What a(n) ( adj.) 单数可数名词( 主语 动词 )! What adj. 不行数名词或复数可数名词!How adj. /adv. ( 主语 动词)! How adj. a(n) 单数可数名词( 主语 动词)! 2020 届高考英语语法专题复习分类汇编精品讲义句子2 / 8 二、反意疑问句考点 1. 主从复合句后边的反意问句I dont suppose our team might have been beaten by theirs last night,_ ?A. do I C. hasnt it 【分析】选B. might it D. was it D。陈说部分有I dont suppose 时,反意问句应与后来的宾语从句的主谓一致,本句的非推测句为:I dont suppose our team was beaten by theirs last night,反意问句即是:was it。假如陈说部分是主从复合句,后边的反意问句往常与主句的主谓一致。假如主句的谓语动词是 think, believe, suppose, imagine, guess, expect等,后边的反意问句要注意 3 种状况:1.假如主语是第一人称 I, 后边的反意问句需与从句的主谓一致。2.假如主句的主语是其余人称,则后边的反意问句常需与主句的主谓一致。3.假如主句的动词能否认式,后边的反意问句要用一定式。考点 2. 重申构造后边的反意问句It was at the gate that you met her, _?A. wasnt itB. was it C. didnt youD. did you 【分析】选A。重申构造“ It is / was被重申部分that ”后的反意问句需与It is / was 一致。重申构造“It is / was 被重申部分that ”后的反意问句需与that 前方的主谓一致。考点 3. 并列句后边的反意问句The man works hard and he is the best worker in his factory, _ A. does heB. doesnt he C. is heD. isnt he ?【分析】选D。两个并列句后边的反意问句的主谓一般需与后一个分句保持主谓一2020 届高考英语语法专题复习分类汇编精品讲义句子3 / 8 致。两个并列句 ( 常有的连词有:or, and, but, while, for等) 后边的反意问句的主谓一般需与距离它近的那个分句的主谓一致。考点 4. 否认句后边的反意问句He had little idea that it was getting so serious, _ A. didnt heB. did he C. wasnt itD. was it ?【分析】选B。陈说句是含有否认词little 的否认句,反意问句用一定形式。1.前方的陈说部分有半否认词hardly, rarely, scarcely, few, little, seldom 等时,反意问句用一定形式。2.陈说部分虽有否认前 ( 后) 缀词 ( 如: dis- , in- , un- , -less) 时,反意问句仍要用否认形式。考点 5. 祈使句后边的反意问句Lily, help me put up the picture on the wall, _ A. will youB. dont you C. are youD. didnt you ?【分析】选A。陈说句是一定祈使句,反问部分用will you 。1. Lets开头 ( 包含听话者),反意问句用shall we;Let us开头 ( 不包含听话者), 反意问句用 will you。2.其余形式的一定祈使句后边,一般用 will you 。考点 6. 神态动词后边的反意问句 I think its high time that she made up her mind. The police must have known all about this, _ A. mustnt they B. havent they C. mustnt it D. hasnt it ?【分析】选 B。陈说部分用“ must(may ,might) v.-ed ”表示推测时,若句中不带有显然的过去时间的状语,问句部分动词应当与must(may, might) 后的动词形式保2020 届高考英语语法专题复习分类汇编精品讲义句子4 / 8 持一致。神态动词用于推测,后边的反意问句的谓语一般要与神态动词后边的动词相一致。考点 7. have 后边的反意问句Its seven oclock now. We have to leave for the cinema, _ ?A. havent we B. dont we C. isnt it D. wasnt it 【答案】选 B。1. have 表“有”时,后边的反意问句的谓语可用have 或 do 的适合形式。2. have 表“让、吃、患”等意思时,后边的反意问句的谓语用do 的适合形式。3. have to 表“不得不”时,后边的反意问句的谓语要用do 的适合形式。4. have done 组成达成不时,后边的反意问句的谓语要用have 的适合形式。考点 8. 其余几种特别的反意问句例 1: There will be an English party tomorrow, _ A. isnt thereB. isnt it C. wont thereD. wont it 【分析】选 C。在 there be句型中,反意疑问句的主语用?there, 反意疑问句谓语部分视详细的助动词、神态动词或系动词而定。考点 8.其余几种特别的反意问句例 2: Its the first time that he has been to Australia, _ ?( 辽宁锦州一中高中2020;2020 届高三第五次模拟卷) A. isnthe C. isnt it 【分析】选C。由句型B. hasnt he D. hasnt it its the first time that 从句可知,主语是it, be 是is 。所以用isnt it 。考点 8.其余几种特别的反意问句例 3: Alice, you feed the bird today, _? But I fed it yesterday. 2020 届高考英语语法专题复习分类汇编精品讲义句子5 / 8 A. do you B. will you C. didnt you D. dont you 【分析】选B。Alice 为称号语,后接一个祈使句,所以用will you 。1.陈说部分是 There be 构造时,反意问句的主语用 there 来充任。2. I wish 表示梦想,后边的反意问句常用may I 。3. Im 开头,后边的反意问句常用 arent I 。4.以 So, Oh 开头的句子,若是一定句,后来的反意问句也用一定;若能否认句,后来的反意问句也用否认。5.在句型Its the first/second/third time that 从句中,在Its 时间段since 从句中,以及It wont be long before 从句中等等,反意部分由前方It be 来决定,与从句的谓语动词没关。考点 1. 转折并列句例 1: Wethought there were 35 students in the dining hall, _ , infact, there were 40. A. while B. whether C. what D. which 【分析】选 A。剖析两句的关系可知应当用表示对照的连词while 。并列句例 2: Excuse me for breaking in, _ I have some news for you. A. soB. and C. butD. that 【分析】选C。but 放在表示抱歉的话以后,只起连结作用;but 的语义特别丰富,用法灵巧多变。跟着高考语境性意义的增强,but出现的频次也愈来愈高,因为它在试题中对正确答案的选择起侧重要的限制作用。下边是but的一些基本用法。一、 but 用作并列连词,意为“但是”,“但是”,表示转折意义。Rick madesome more records, but he wasnt as popular as he had been before. 2020 届高考英语语法专题复习分类汇编精品讲义句子6 / 8 里克固然灌制了更多唱片,但不像从前那样受欢迎。此时要注意 but与 however的差别。however表示“但是”,“但是”的意义时,常用作副词,能够放在句首、句中、句尾,并常用逗号将它与句子分开。However ,he didnt make his mark in the end. 但是,他终未成功。二、 but可置于表示抱歉的话( 如 Excuse me或 Imsorry) 以后,提出恳求或说出可能冒犯对方的话,它没有实质意义,只起连结作用,能够省去。I am sorry, but I dont think I know you. 很对不起,我想我不认识你。Excuse me, but can you tell me how to surf the net? 屈驾,你能告诉我怎么上网吗?主要由but( 但是 ), yet( 但是 ), while( 而,却 ) 等连词连结。考点 2. 选择并列句Bring the flowers into a warm room _ theyll soon open. (2020;2020 辽宁卷 31) A. or C. but B. and D. for 【分析】选 B。and 表并列关系。此句考察句型:祈使句and 陈说句。主 要 由 or( 或 者 , 还 是 , 否 则 ), either or ( 不 是 就 是 ), neither nor ( 既不也不 ), otherwise( 要不然 ) 等连词连结。考点 3. 结归并列句_ , and Ill get the work finished. A. Have one more hourB. One more hour C. Given one more hourD. If I have one more hour 【分析】选 B。从句子构造上看, and 连结了两个分句,两句间存在着一种顺承关系。此中
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