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2020 届高考英语一轮复习Module8Unit23Conflict综合训练北师大版1 / 7 Module 8 Unit 23 Conflict. 品句填词1 He had the _ (安全感) of a good home and loving family. 2 At great _ (花销 ) I was finally able to buy the painting. 3 He was _ ( 委任 ) to a new post. 4 They wanted to rent a _ (装备家具的)flat. 5 He did not want to _ ( 显现 )his fears and insecurity to anyone. 6 The president d_ the prizes to the winners. 7 I made his a_ at a party. 8 The boy wants to be a soldier. He i_ to join the army. 9 They s_ the wall with metal supports. 10Progress has been madetowards a political c_ between the two nations. 答案: 1.security 6.distributed 2.expense3.appointed4.furnished5.expose 7.acquaintance8.intends9.strengthened promise . 短语识境hand over;put forward;give in;call in;keep off;hold out;look down on;come about;look into;sort out 1 We were short of water but we could _ for another day. 2 We had to think of a way to _ the spread of the infection. 3I informed the policeof a theft that took place ,and they have promised to _ the matter. 4 The king decided to retire and _ the power to his son. 5Let s start to _ the good apples from the bad ones. 2020 届高考英语一轮复习Module8Unit23Conflict综合训练北师大版2 / 7 6I _ those who keep complaining about their life withoutthinking of any ways to improve it. 7The scientist has _ a plan to measure Mars atmosphere. 8In my first job interview,I waited for more than two hours before I was finally _. 9 The authorities showed no signs of _ to the kidnappers demands. 10I frequently quarreled with my father ,although most of those _ due to misunderstanding. 答案: 1.hold out2.keep off3.look into4.hand over5.sort out 6.look down on7.put forward8.called in9.giving in10.came about . 达成句子1 So much extra homework is really _ _ _. 这么多额外的作业真使我发狂了。2He can speak four different languages fluently ,and everybody thinks that he _ _ _ _ foreign languages. 他能流畅地讲四种语言,大家都以为他是外语天才。3He didn t _ _ _ when he went off. 他走的时候没向我们辞别。4 Present at the meeting _ _ _ _ _ _. 列席会议的有史密斯教授以及其余专家。5Had _ _ _ _ their help ,we couldn t have finished the work on time.要不是有他们帮忙,我们没法准时达成工作。答案: 1.driving me mad 2.has a gift for 3.bid us goodbye Professor Smith and other experts 5.it not been for 4.were . 单项填空1If we can _ our present difficulties,then everything should 2020 届高考英语一轮复习Module8Unit23Conflict综合训练北师大版3 / 7 be all right.(2020;2020湖北) A come across B get over C come over Dget off 分析:考察动词短语辨析。句意为:假如我们能战胜当前的困难,。get over 有“战胜,超出”的意思,为最正确选项。comeacross “有时遇到”; come over “忽然感觉,短暂拜访”;get off“下车”。答案: B 2He was about halfway through his meal _ a familiar voice came to his ears.(辽宁 ) A why Bwhere C when Dwhile 分析:考察连词用法。句意为:他刚吃了一半饭,这时,一个熟习的声音传入耳中。此处 when 是并列连词,意为“这时” ,而 while 除了指引时间状语从句( 从句谓语动词是持续性的) 外,也可作为并列连词,表对照转折,意为“而” ,A、 B 不切合句意。答案: C 3I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busy drying a towel _ I heard the steps.(湖南 ) AwhileBwhenCsinceDafter myself with 分析:考察连词用法。句意为:我刚从浴室里出来,正忙着用毛巾擦身子,这时我听到了脚步声, when 此处是并列连词“这时”之意,其余三个无此用法。答案: B 4 The boss said we had only three days to finish the work. Dont worry. We have already _ two thirds of it.( Agot down Bgot throughCgiven inD 四川 ) given away 分析:考察动词词组辨析。句意为老板说我们只有三天的时间去达成这项工作。不用焦急,我们已经达成了三分之二。 get through “达成”; get down “写下”; give in “放弃”; give away “出卖”, A、 C、D 意思都不切合句意。答案: B 2020 届高考英语一轮复习Module8Unit23Conflict综合训练北师大版4 / 7 5 Have you _ some new ideas? Yeah ,I ll tell you later.( 2020;2020 江苏 ) Acome about B come into C come up with D come out with 分析:考察词组辨析。 come up with表示“想出,想起” 。 A 项用作不及物动词短语,表示“发生” ; B 项表示“进入,获得,不切合语境” ; D 项表示“发布,宣布,说出,提出,展出,供给” ,语意不适合。答案: C 6I have no idea who invented_ mobile phone,but it s really _ most wonderful invention , I think. A the ;the B a;the C the ; a D / ; the 分析:考察冠词。 the 发明物表示一类物,第一个空用the ,表示“手机”;第二空后 most 不是表示最高等,而是“特别”之意,相当于very ,故使用 a。答案: C 7 Do you agree to the plan? _ . It cant be better. A Partly B Absolutely C Particularly D Relatively 分析:考察社交用语。由It can t be better ( B(absolutely“自然,对极了”,表示赞同或赞同不可以再好了) ; partly ) 可知应选择“部分地” ;particularly“特别地”; relatively“相对地”。答案: B 8. My goodness! The accident might not have happened if we had done it more carefully. But we _. Ahaven tB wouldn tC hadntD didn t分析:考察时态。本句是表示和过去相反的虚构语气,第二句是表示真切的语气,意思是“可是当时我们没有认真做”。应选择 D。答案: D 9 The old curtain , whose color has _ , is replaced with a new one. 2020 届高考英语一轮复习Module8Unit23Conflict综合训练北师大版5 / 7 A failed B faded C declined D dismissed 分析:考察动词词义。依据语境The old curtain ,. ,is replaced with a new one 可知“旧窗帘都已经退色了”。fade “变淡,变暗”; fail 康,视力等 ) 衰败”; decline “降落”; dismiss “辞退,开除”。“失败,( 健答案: B 10 Could you meet me at the train station at 9 tomorrow morning? I d like to , but I _ for Paris by the time you arrive. A will have B have leftCwillhave left Dam leaving 分析:考察时态。 by表示未来的时间与未来达成时连用,此句意思是“你到的时候,我已经走开去巴黎了。”应选择 C。答案: C . 阅读理解THURSDAY , July 9(HealthDay News)A new study that found thata lower calorie diet slowed the aging process in monkeys could be the best proof yet that restricted_diets might do the same for humans. “The big question in aging research is, Will calorie restriction in species be closely related to
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