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2022初一上册英语寒假作业答案【篇一】 第一节15 CCBBB 其次节15 BABCA 第三节 15 CBBAC 第四节 15 CEDBA 2125 CBCBD 2630 CCCDA 3135 BDCDA 3640 CADBC 41. helps 42. swimming 43.eats 44.kilometers 45. make 46. be 47. am playing 48.easily 49. criminals 50. strawberries 51. washing 52.interesting 53. waiting 54. message 55. candles 56. went 57. ride 58. took 59. expensive 60. stayed 61.On the first night 62. played badminton 63.feel about the trip 64. learned a lot 65. took the (a) bus 66. one bowl of mutton soup 67. What kind of noodles 68. drew many pictures 69. long brown hair 70. medium build 7175 CABCD 7680 CABAD 8185AACBC 8690 CABGF 【篇二】 英语填空 一1to read 2see 3doesn”t 4hane 5does do 6piay 7gets 8ride 9is 10has 二1swimming 2thanks 3drawing 4ninth 5him 6children 7gets 8to go 9piay 10pencil cases 三1sing 2wants 3starts 4swimming 5gets 6eat 7do 8buys 9have 10teach 四1meet 2question 3computer games 4lost 5parents 6picture 7under 8have 9every day 10healthy 英语的全部选择P22 :CBCBBDCACDDAACBADBBC 完成对话:1;DEFAC 3:DIAHJBEFCG 阅读理解A,CDABC B,ABCDC C,BBCDC 【篇三】 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C 1.live是不及物动词,常常与in连用,表示住在某地,因此答案为A. 2. 由于答句是My favorite subject is math. 所以问句肯定是What”s your favorite subject 故答案为C. 3. take a shower 是固定短语,所以答案为B. 4. 由于问句中询问生日的日期, 答复应当是生日在哪一天 故答案为C. 5. 问句为一般现在时,答句也应用同样的时态,而且主语是第三人称单数,故答案为A. 6. 由于答句是Yes, I do. 问句也应当用提问,因此答案为B. 7. 依据答句的意思,问句应当问的是多少钱,英语中询问某物品多少钱用how much. 故答案为B. 8. 前后两句话的意思有了转折,应当用but把两个句子连起来,因此答案为A. 9. 依据问句是意思,答句应当阐述自己不喜爱历史的缘由,interesting和exciting都不符合题意,故答案为C. 10. 此题依据句子末尾的bus, 应当判定学生们正在等公共汽车,故答案为C.
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