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2022年12月高校英语六级易考范文因为坚持,才会有破茧成蝶这样美妙的故事。作为六级备考人,我们也想为自己争取一个完备的结局。以下是我为大家细心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。1.2022年12月高校英语六级易考范文In recent years, the problem of college students wasting time has become increasingly seriouson university campuses and more and more people voice growing concern over it.Such a phenomenon has brought many unfavorable consequences.To begin with, parents are the direct victims, because childrens wasting time on campus means that parents wishes may never be fulfilled inthe future.Whats more, it is extremely harmful to students themselves in that they may lose the best opportunity to lay a solid foundation for tomorrows career.Last but not least, an unhealthy atmosphere will come into being in universities as wasting time becomes more and more common, which, obviously, goes against the aim of university education directly.It is more than necessary that all of us joined in the efforts to fight against this notoriousphenomenon.As to me, I am determined to make an all-around plan and strictly carry it out in order to live a happy and fruitful life on campus.Moreover, I will try to consult teachers and peers so as to be more reasonable andenterprising.Only when every one of us realizes the importance of time can we put an end to the adversetrend.2.2022年12月高校英语六级易考范文In current society, we come across too many people who put too much emphasis oncertificate.In many cases, the certificate has become the sole criterion for judging a person,decidingwhether he can get an opportunity or even get a job.I argue that we should not put too much emphasis on certificates.To begin with, we should not take it for granted that those who hold one or two importantcertificates will naturally do a good job.Moreover, on and off campus, people are busy taking part in all kinds of training classes,wherethey are taught specific skills for passing examinations and obtaining certificates.What worries me most is that fake certificates are on the rise:The buyers want to get the certificate without working hard while the sellers want to make easymoney.All that has been discussed above points to the fact that if we want to evaluate and judge aperson objectively,we should find out his practical ability while taking the certificates intoconsideration.3.2022年12月高校英语六级易考范文Until quite recently most people hold a hostile attitude towards daydreaming.Some people view it as an escape from duties and responsibilities, while others consider it a sheer waste of time.Many others, however, insist that daydreaming is of great benefit in many respects.To begin with, daydreaming, as scientists tell us, is a good means of active relaxation, which is extremely beneficial when we are experiencing great difficulties.Whats more, surprisingly enough, it also improves our ability of getting along with others.Last but not least, daydreaming is useful in shaping our future life as we dream to be.If we always hold an ideal self-image in our mind, we will most probably see it come true step by step.Now that we can draw the conclusion that daydreaming is most beneficial, why not make good use of it to make life rich and rewarding?本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第3页 共3页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页
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