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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑2021考研英语阅读练习句型复习一 考研英语备考好多事情都要提上日程了,看看哪些是该留神的,下面由我为你用心打定了“2021考研英语:阅读练习句型复习一”,持续关注我将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯! 2021考研英语:阅读练习句型复习一 一、认知 今天我们看到的是2022年考研阅读英语(一)的第一篇阅读理解。这里摘取的是第一段。 The decision of the New York Philharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert as its next music director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the sudden announcement of his appointment in 2022. For the most part, the response has been favorable, to say the least. “Hooray! At last!” wrote Anthony Tommasini, a sober-sided classical-music critic. 这里我们很快划分一下第一句的成分,就能轻松地总结出第一句的句型布局,然后举行仿写了。 The decision (of the New York Philharmonic) (to hire Alan Gilbert as its next music director) has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the sudden announcement of his appointment in 2022. For the most part, the response has been favorable, to say the least. “Hooray! At last!” wrote Anthony Tommasini, a sober-sided classical-music critic. 二、解析 我们很轻易看到,同样是讲到成为热点话题,用到了talk,类似于我们原来接触过的焦点“attention”或者focus等的表达。当然,xx has been the talk也根本类似于xx has become the heated topic或者xx has been under heated discussion或者xx has become the public attention或者xx has become the focus of differnet social groups。 值得学习的是,我们原来写完这一句就终止了,后面的时间ever since加上名词,表达相应的时间或者状态,可以很好地延展句型,同时也可以将套话和概括事情结合起来。还有一点需要留神,就是decision后面的两个修饰,一个是关于要做某事,一个是关于decision的发出者,这些都是使得句子变得相对繁杂的包装。 三、应用 假设要写姚明退役这个话题,句子可以先从最简朴的开头练习。 The decision has been the talk of the basketball world. The decision of Yao Ming has been the talk of the basketball world. The decision of Yao Ming to quit NBA has been the talk of the basketball world. The decision of Yao Ming to quit NBA has been the talk of the basketball world ever since the sudden announcement of his leaving last week. 四、变通 想想看,假设把decision变成idea,problem,resolution,理应如何写出你所想的句子? 推举阅读: 2021年考研英语:写作句型翻译复习 2021考研英语:阅读练习句型复习二 2021考研英语:阅读练习句型复习四 考研英语大纲 考研英语词汇 英语作文万能句子 考研英语真题 考研英语作文 考研复试英语 3
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