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2022年九上英语作业本答案浙教版Module 1 Unit 11 I. 1.the Terracotta Army 2.Victoria Falls 3.the Three Gorges Dam4.The Giants Causeway 5.The Great WallII. 1.natural 2.eastern 3.ancient 4.modern 5.millions of 6.ThoughIII.discussion,man-made,more than,agree with,long, electricity,opinion,wide,loud,have seenvisited 2 I.1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.CII.1.opinion,natural,more interesting 2.sure,am going to 3.largesthugest,have, seen 4.long,high,wide 5.produces electricity,millions of Unit 21 I. 1.natural 2.ancient 3.beside 4.reply 5.huge 6.stranger 7.silent 8.appear 9.remain 10.signII.1.shone 2.fell away 3.silver 4.sky,nearly 5.grey III.1.Thousands of people visit Hangzhou every year. 2.My brother is washing his car in the garden now. 3.I will send you an email tomorrow.4.When I arrived home,my mother was cooking.5.Amy has read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer several times. 2 I. 1.appeared 2.natural 3.below 4.rises 5.ancient II.1.of,through,alongon 2.behind,on 3.by,for 4.On,of,of 5.At,ofIII.1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.ABackground information:世界峰珠穆朗玛峰 Unit 3I. 1.fall away 2.on (the)top of 3.look over 4.at the bottom of 5.go through 6.natural wonder(s)II.1.has seen 2.was reading 3.am talking 4.arrives 5.left 6.has gone toIII.famous,lies,faces,climb,called,successful,HoweverIV.1.One possible version:The Great Wall;In North China;About 21,200 kilometers long,6-7 meters high and 4-5 meters wide;Was built over 2,000 years ago;One of the biggest man-made wonders 2.One possible version:Last September,I went to the Great Wall with my classmates.We started at 7:00 am.After two hours,my legs were so tired that I wanted to stop.My friend told me,“He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”So I went on.Finally,I got to the top!I felt very excited.The Great Wall is one of the biggest man-made wonders.Its in North China.It was built over 2,000 years ago.It is about 21,200 kilometers long,6-7 meters high and 4-5 meters wide.I really like it and Im sure Ill visit it again.Module 2 Unit 11 I.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.F 5.D 6. EII.1.flags,off 2.activities,great fun 3.celebrate,picnic 4.founded,band(s) 5.As soon as,vacationholidayIII.1.I am going to visit my friends while they are staying at home on Sunday.2.My mother didnt go to bed until I came back home.3.I go to play basketball every day after I finish my homework. 4.We must wash our hands before we have dinner.5.I have learnt a lot about public holidays since I joined the English Club last month.2 I.1.G 2.H 3.I 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.E 8.D 9.F II.略III.since,founded,flags,on,off,activities,vacation,celebrate Unit 21 I.first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,twelfth,twentiethII.1.Thanksgiving Day 2.Spring Festival 3.Christmas Day 4.Mid-Autumn FestivalIII.1.the fourth Thursday in November2.how to grow corn;eating a dinner of the new food3.lay the table,and give thanks for the food;talk a lot and tell stories as well 14.watch the parade,start shopping for presents and watch the gameson television5.People give thanks for the foodPeople give thanks for the people who help themBackground information:林肯(Lincoln)2 I.1.speech 2.dishes 3.twelfth 4.all kinds of 5.ourselves 6.Ever sinceII. 1.the April Fool 2.carnivals 3.newspapers 4.February 5.Venice Unit 3I.1.while 2.until 3.when 4.as soon as 5.beforeII.1.public holiday,depends on,at different times,look for,comes from,have a big meal,enjoy themselvesIII.1.One possible version:Halloween;31st October;Western countries;Tohave fun;Children dress up in costumes and go from door to door asking for candy,decorate their houses,make lanterns from pumpkins 2.One possible version:Halloween is on 31st October.Children really love this day.In many Western countries,children dress up in costumes and go from door to door asking for candy.They always say “trick or treat.”People also like to decorate their houses and yards on Halloween.You will often see Jack-O-Lanterns.People make these special lanterns from pumpkins.Usually they carve a scary or funny face on the pumpkin.People usually enjoy themselves on that day. Module 3 Unit 11 I. 1.including 2.simply 3.victory 4.will 5.whatever 6.attend 7.medalII.1.including 2.attend 3.will 4.medals 5.victory 6.simply7.WhateverIII.because,when,age,abroad,gave up,amazinggreat,stopped,became, hero2 I. 1.gold medal 2.once again 3.a strong will 4.give up 5.study abroad 6.博士学位 7.也 8.打乒乓球II.1.doctors degree 2.playing table tennis,a strong will,gives up 3.gold medal 4.study abroad 5.once again 6.as well asIII.1.took part in a surfing competition and was seriously hurt;practise playing the guitar and write songs;first music album came out 2.Whatever happens in our lives,we have to accept it and do the best we can. Unit 21 I. 1.Canada 2.war 3.wounded solider 4.hospital 5.operation 6.medical tool(s)II.1.in order to 2.realised 3.invented 4.medical 5. dying 6.treatingIII.1.My parents got up early this morning so that they could catch the first train to Beijing.2.They gave some money to the Project Hope so that mor
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