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安徽省合肥市鸿桥高级职业中学高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. The brochure guides you the whole process of buying a house. A. through B. across C. over D. past参考答案:A2. -Excuse meCan you spare me a few minutes? -_ AWhats on? BWhats up? CWhats more? DWhat is it?参考答案:B3. Its reported that many a house _ by the heavy snow so far in New York. A. have been destroyed B. has been destroyed C. was destroyed D. were destroyed参考答案:4. He hasnt found a job yet because he had no _ to anybody who could help him.AapproachBapplication Caccess Dapproval参考答案:C5. _our earth,or else it will be no longer fit for us to live on.A.Protected B.To protect C.Protecting D.Protect参考答案:D6. Sallys never seen a play in the Shanghai Grand Theatre, _? A. hasnt she B. has she C. isnt she D. is she参考答案:B解析:反义疑问句的考查,那么我们就是掌握一个原则。前肯后否,前否后肯。那么这个题中前面句子中的never是否定副词,所以后面我们用肯定,因为sallys我们确定是has 的缩写。7. It is the driver rather than the children _ responsible for the accidents.A. is B. are C. that is D. who are 参考答案:C略8. Even though he managed a shop without any assistant to help him, it has _ well so far.A. set off B. come on C. watched out D. gotten along参考答案:D9. Tu Youyou won the 2016 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award for her work against parasitic diseases.She deserves it The consequences improved human health and reduced suffering are immeasurable.A. in honor of B. in terms ofC. in defense of D. in hopes of参考答案:B考查介短语词。句意:屠呦呦因对寄生虫病的研究而获2016国家最高科学技术奖。她还是应该获得这个奖的。就她在改善人类健康和减少的痛苦方面的成果而言是无法估量的。A. in honor of为了向表示敬意; B. in terms of就而言;C. in defense of为辩护;D. in hopes of希望。故选B.10. How would you like your tea? . AVery quickly BAs it comes, please CVery much DI dont like tea参考答案:B略11. Sustainable development is all about creating better health care, education, housing andimproved standard of live for everyone, which is a simple idea, is hard to put into practice.A. one B. the one C. one that D. that参考答案:C【详解】考查同位语从句和定语从句。句意:可持续发展就是要为每个人创造更好的医疗、教育、住房和提高生活水平,这是一个简单的想法,但很难付诸实践。分析句子结构可知,one作a simple idea的同位语,而one后是由that引导的定语从句,that指代先行词one在定语从句中作主语,故C项正确。12. Please tell me_A. where your address is B. what is your address C. where your address is D. what your address is参考答案:D13. I heard several quarrels within our home, _ I had never before noticed.A. thatB. themC. oneD. ones参考答案:D略14. Considering your income, you should be able to _ at least twenty dollars a week.A. put forward B. put in C. put down D. put aside参考答案:15. Which of the following choices cant be put in the blank of the below sentence?He has written a book _ I have forgotten. A. of which the name B. the name of which C. whose name D. which name参考答案:D16. Tom, could you give me a hand in the following exam? _ . Mom wont allow me to do such crazy things.A. No problem B. Its a pleasure C. Forget it D. My pleasure参考答案:15、【答案】C考查交际用语。根据答语“Mom wont allow me to do such crazy things.”可知,此处不同意前者的请求,Forget it“休想,算了吧”,符合题意;No problem“没问题”;Its a pleasure =My pleasure“不用谢”。【解析】二、 书面表达17. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Lorena parted the curtain in her living room and looked out onto the wet street. She was relieved the sunlight appeared. If it didnt stop raining it would ruin her day. Her mother had promised to drive her to Fashion Fair if it were sunny. Lorena was desperate to go there because she had to replace a Nike jacket.Earlier that Wednesday afternoon, Eddie, the most popular seventh-grader, had given Lorena his jacket and asked her to keep an eye as he would play basketball in a hurry. Lorena was quite happy to be of help. During her last class, the biology teacher made them cut apart dead frogs. For fear of getting blood on Eddies jacket, Lorena folded it and placed it on a chair. Then she took the knife and cut the skin quickly. She felt sick opening the frogs belly.When the bell rang Lorena hurried out because the bus she caught for home left ten minutes after school. She raced to board the bus and found a seat. After a few minutes the driver started the engine and drove away when Lorena looked out of the window and saw Eddie. “The jacket!” she screamed. She shot from her seat and ran up to the driver. “Youve got to stop! I forgot Eddies jacket!” “Whos Eddie? I dont know no Eddie,” the driver said crossly. “Sit down.” All that evening she was upset and blamed her biology teacher for her problem. If he hadnt made them dissect(解剖)frogs, she wouldnt have been so absent-minded. The nex
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