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安徽省宣城市宣州周王高级职业中学2022年高一英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. _do you think may have done this?AWho BWhom CWhat DThat 参考答案:A2. _ of the people on the Net _ Chinas economy is amongthe strongest in the world.A. Four-fifths; believesB. Four-fifth; believeC. Four-fifths; believeD. Four-fifth; believes参考答案:C3. - Do you enjoy your present job? - _. I just do it for a living. A. Of course B. Not really C. Not likely D. Not a little参考答案:B4. They say that there are lots of tourists around at present, arent you busy approaching it? Yes. since July, in fact. A. I havent had a good rest B. I have had a good rest C. I had had a rest D. I didnt have a rest参考答案:A略5. It is reported that the drivers who use mobile phones while driving are more _ to have accidents. A. probable B. possible C. perhaps D. likely参考答案:D6. Is this the first time you Shuangshi?No. But it has been 3 years since I last here.A. visit; come B. visited; cameC. have visited; came D. have visited; come参考答案:C考查固定句式。句意:-这是你第一次访问双狮?-不是,但是我上次来这里已经是3年前的事了。It is the first/second time+从句,为固定句式。其从句用现在完成时,故第一个空要用现在完成时。It is + 一段时间since +一般过去时/如果是从句要用一般过去时。故第二个空要用一般过去时。故选C。7. The teacher said that the sun _ in the east and _ in the west.A. rose; set B. rises; sets C. raises; sets D. raised; set 参考答案:B 8. A Tale of Two Cities is _ a novel. It helps us to understand the history of that time. A. not more than B. no more than C. less than D. more than参考答案:D略9. You never eat different kinds of food and _ you lack something needed for normal health.A. as a result of B. as a result C. as usual D. as a rule参考答案:C10. The farm grows various kinds of crops, _ wheat, corn, cotton and rice. A. for example B. as C. so that D. such as参考答案:D略11. The building used to be splendid but now it is _. A. in ruins B. in the ruin C. with the ruin D. by ruin参考答案:12. The scientist has tested another 60 subjects, which will be in a better _ to prove his theory.A. situationB. positionC. patternD. conclusion参考答案:B13. _ is exciting news that she has received a doctors degree. A. What B. It C. This D. That参考答案:B14. The city insisted that its citizens_ less to reduce the amount of the carbon dioxide in the air.A. will drive B. to drive C. drive D. drove参考答案:C15. _by his grandparents in the countryside,he isnt accustomed to_in the city.AHaving brought up;live BGrown up;livingCGrowing up;live DBrought up;living参考答案:D16. Nowhere else did he have a deeper _ than in Beijing.That is to say,he was deeply struck by Beijing.A. lesson B. breathC. scenery D. impression参考答案:D句意:没有其他地方比北京更让他印象深刻。have a deeper impression(of)“对有更深刻的印象”。lesson “功课;教训”;breath“呼吸”;scenery“景色”。二、 书面表达17. 书面表达(满分15分)假如你叫Jack,参加学校开展的“有困难向谁求助”(Whom do you turn to when in trouble?)的调查活动,调查结果如下表。请用英语给校报编辑写一封信反映相关内容。求助对象比例理 由同学、朋友58年龄相仿,容易理解与交流老师、家长30有爱心、有经验,可以信任无12不愿与人交流,难以与人沟通注意:1.内容要点全面,并表达出你的观点。为了使文章连贯,可适当增加内容。2.词数:100词左右。3.文章的开头和署名已给出。高考资源网 editor,Im a student in Senior Three. We have made a surveyWho do you turn to when in trouble? Here are the results. YoursJack参考答案:editor, ks5uIm a student in Senior Three. We have made a survey-Who do you turn to when in trouble? Here are the results.Most of the students will go to their classmates or friends when in trouble. Theyre almost of the same age, so they can talk with and understand each other easily. Some students will tell their teachers or parents about their troubles and ask for their help. Because the teachers and parents have rich experience and love them very much. They can
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