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精品教案设计资料2018 七年级英语下册知识点归纳(Unit7 Topic1)2018 涓冨勾绾 nit7 Topic1锛? Unit7 Topic1 be?閲嶇偣鍙瀷銆?鈥昗 ere you born in Hebei? Yes, I was./ No, I wasn 鈥檛. 鈥昗 hen was your daughter born? 鈥昐 he was born on October 22nd, 1996. Whats the shape of your present? What does it look like? How long/wide is it? What do we use it for? We use it to study English. 閲嶇偣璁茶 1 琛揪娉曪細(1)鏈堟棩锛屽勾銆侻ay 1st,2008 (2) 鏃湀锛屽勾銆 ?st May,2008 2 plan to do sth.璁垝鍋氭煇浜 ?plan for sth.?3 鍩烘暟璇嶅彉搴忔暟璇嶇殑瑙勫緥锛 ?e 鐢鏇垮啀鍔爐 h e 鍐嶅姞 th t 涔濆幓 e 鍐嶅姞 th?4 嚑鐧锯?濇椂锛宧undred鐨勨?滄暟浠櫨璁 ?濇椂锛宧undred 鍚庨潰搴斿姞鈥渟鈥濓紝鐢?渉undreds of 鈥濊绀恒?three hundred students?hundreds of students?5 oint 鈥濄 ?傘?6.4 绫抽暱 six point four meters long 6 What do we use it for?鎴戜滑鐢畠鏉仛浠?涔? use sth. to do sth.鐢煇鐗仛鏌愪簨 . = use sth. for doing sth. be 鍔瘝鐨1. be殑鐘舵?併?My brother was at school yesterday. 2. be 鍔瘝鐨勮繃鍘诲紡涓簑as/were,鍏跺惁瀹氬紡涓簑as not/wasn 鈥檛鍜寃 ere not/weren 鈥檛. 3. 涓?鑸ere you born in July,1999? 鈥昚 es, I was./No,I wasn鈥檛. 精品教案设计资料
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