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精品教案设计资料2016 年三年级英语下册Module 2 Unit 1 教案 (外研社 ) 涓夊勾绾 ?3 M2 U1 They鈥檙e monkeys. 璇?鍨?鏂版巿璇 ?2016骞?2鏈?25鏃?锛?骞?鏈?鏃?1. hat 鈥檚 this? It 鈥檚鈥 ?What are they? They鈥檙 e鈥彞鍨嬨?2. 鎶?鑳界洰鏍囷細鑳界敤鎵?瀛殑鐭瘑鎻忚堪涓嶅悓鍔墿鍚嶇 ?3. ?閲嶇偣涓庤繍鐢? 闅剧偣 鎻忚堪鍔墿鐨勭壒寰佷汉绉扮殑鍙樺寲锛岃兘杩愮敤鎵?瀛崟璇嶅?鏁欐硶TPR 鏁欏叿 鍗墖锛岀偣璇荤瑪鏁? 绋?Step1.Warming up 1. Greeting! 2. Sing ABC song 3. y name is. My favourite colour is . ?鏋佹? ? ?Step2.Presentation 1. , 鐢hat 鈥檚 this? 鎻愰棶锛旈棶棰橈紝鐢 t 鈥檚 a 鈥? What 鈥檚 this? It 鈥檚a dog, dog, dog. It鈥檚 a dog.鍚屾牱鏂规硶澶嶄範cat, bird, panda. T: My favourite colour is red. What鈥檚 your favourite colour? S: My favourite colour is鈥垨 It 鈥?2. 鐔婄尗鏉窡澶 鍙嬪幓 zooood morning, I鈥檓 Jingjing. How are you? 璁敓涔熻窡鐔精品教案设计资料婄尗鎵撴嫑鍛硷紝澶嶄範Hello, Iow are 鏁? 绋?You? 竴鐪嬨? ?3. ?锛?姩鐗洯鐓 悕绉般? ?锛?oo, baby, all 锛?锛夊悇绉嶅舰寮忔搷缁冨崟璇嶏紝寮哄寲鍗曡瘝銆?锛屽彟澶栬緝澶鐢熷緱鍒版洿澶氱殑閿荤偧銆?Step3. Learning the text 1. Listen and point 2. Listen and find 鈥淭 hey鈥檙 e鈥? ?3. Listen and repeat. 4. Role play 锛堝苟鍒嗙粍姣旇禌锛 ?銆愯? 浣庡勾绾 紝骞跺皬缁勬瘮璧涳紝鍩瑰吇瀛敓鐨勭珵浜夋剰璇嗐?Step4.Practice 1. 灏?2. ?Look 锛両 t 鈥檚 tiger.It 鈥檚 big銆?3. Guessing game 鍑虹涓 ?寮犲紶鐨勫姩鐗浘鐗囷紝鐢獊鍑烘樉绀洪嚭锛屽湪鐜父鎴忕殑鍚屾椂鎺屾彙鍗曡瘝銆?4. 浣嶏紝缁 甯堟彁hat 鈥檚 this? It 鈥檚鈥 ?What are they? They鈥檙 e 鈥彞鍨嬶紝鏁欏笀璇 ?鏁? 绋?姣忕粍娲句袱鍚精品教案设计资料鍏枫? ?Step5.Test 缈昏瘧鍙瓙What 鈥檚 this? It 鈥檚 a monkey. What鈥檙 e they? They鈥檙 e lions. Step6.Summary 鐨勬柊鍗曡瘝浠強鏂板彞鍨?What is this? It鈥檚 a . . What are they? They are s. Step7.Homework 1. 2. 杈圭殑灏忓姩鐗?璁? 璁?Unit1 They鈥檙 e monkeys. What is this? It鈥檚 a . . What are they? They are s.
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