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精品教案设计资料2014 年六年级英语上册教学计划及教案(冀教版)瀛?鏍?瑗?鍏?灏?瀛?骞?绾?鍏?骞?绾?4 鐝?鍩烘湰鎯呭喌鍒嗘瀽绾屼袱鏋佸垎鍖栨瘮杈冧弗閲嶃?傛墍浠湰瀛湡搴斿仛濂藉悗杩涚敓鐨勮浆? 璁?鐭?鑳?鍔?嬫枃鍙婄敓娲讳腑鐨勫?瀛範鎬佸害鍙婁範鎯 ?儐鍙戣锛岀 鏋佸弬鍔犺嫳垚锛屾帉鎻?鍐抽棶棰樼殑鏂规硶锛岄精品教案设计资料鏃棩鍝佸皾瀛範鐨勪箰瓒? 涓?銆佹暀瀛洰鏍?1?2屾彙涔腑鐨勯噸鐐瑰唴瀹广?3祦銆 ?4?5 銆佹帉鎻墍瀛殑姝屾洸銆侀煹璇楃瓑銆?6椼?佹瓕鏇层 ?佹父鎴忋 ?佺粯鐢荤瓑銆?7 銆侀噸瑙嗗弻鍚戜氦娴侊紝浜嗚? 浜屻?佹暀瀛噸鐐?1 銆佽兘鎺屾彙鎵 ?瀛崟璇嶃?2 銆佽兘鎺屾彙鎵?瀛彞鍨嬨?3绠?鍗曠殑浜祦锛屽仛鍒板鑳嗗紑鍙紝鍙戦煶姝銆?4銆佽兘鍦浘?5銆佸垵姝煿鍏昏壇濂界殑涔啓涔犳儻锛岃兘鍋?涓夈 ?佹暀瀛毦鐐?1.姩浣滐紝 ;殑杈撳叆銆 ?2.? 锛?014-2015?1 鍏?锛夊勾绾紙 4 锛夌彮鏈堟棩鑷虫湀鏃 ?鏁?瀛?鍐?瀹?1 8/25-8/29 Unit1 Lesson1-Lesson2 2 2 9/1-9/5 Lesson3-Lesson4 2 3 9/8-9/12 Lesson5-Lesson6 2 4 9/15-9/19 Again,please! 2 5 9/22-9/26 Unit 2 Lesson7-Lesson8 2 6 9/29-10/3 精品教案设计资料Lesson9-Lesson10 2 7 10/6-10/10 Lesson11-Lesson12 2 8 10/13-10/17 Again,please! 2 9 10/20-10/24 Revision 2 10 10/27-10/31 Unit 3 Lesson13-Lesson14 2 11 11/3-11/7 Lesson15-Lesson16 2 12 11/10-11/14 Lesson17-Lesson18 2 13 11/17-11/21 Again,please! 2 14 11/24-11/28 Unit 4 Lesson19-Lesson20 2 15 12/1-12/5 Lesson21-Lesson22 2 16 12/8-12/12 Lesson23-Lesson24 2 17 12/15-12/19 Again,please! 2 18 19 ?1 璇炬椂 鎺?Lesson 1 At the Airport 绗?璇炬椂 鏁?瀛? 鐩?鏍?1.?2.澶嶄範鍙瓙锛歐hat time is it? It 鈥檚 _.澶嶄範鎵 ?瀛繃鐨勬椂1.瀛敓?2.濡備綍琛揪鏃堕棿闂磋杈炬硶鏁?瀛?閲嶇偣 1.鎺屾彙 what time is it ? It 鈥檚锛 ?2.? 鏁?鍏?澶氬獟浣撶數瀛愮櫧鏉 ?step 1 : Review 1) Play a game: 鈥?The number game鈥?to review number , play with numbers up to ten thousand . 2) Review some phrases : What day is it ? What time is it ? Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1.irport 锛屾暀?2.Ask and answer: 3.Teaching 鈥?What time is it ? 鈥?T draws a clock on the blackboard.More the hands on the clock as T asks and answer the question 3.Practice : 1) Practice in pairs . 2)Ask the volunteers to more the hands on the clock as they ask and answer the question . 4.Teaching 鈥?the text 鈥?Step 3.Homework Make up a dialogue about meeting someone at the airport . Use鈥?What time is it ? It 鈥檚 . ?2 璇炬椂?Lesson2 Jenny 鈥檚 House 绗?璇炬椂 鏁?瀛? 精品教案设计资料鐩?鏍?1oom; kitchen; bathroom; living room 2? ?殑鎴块棿锛岃兘鍦垱璁剧殑鍒版彁楂樸? 鏁?瀛?閲嶇偣 1.oom; kitchen; bathroom; living room 锛岃兘鍑嗙鐞嗚 2. 墿涓讳唬璇峬ine,yours銆?鏁?鍏?澶氬獟浣撶數瀛愮櫧鏉 ?step1. Greetings: Step 2.Revision Use vocabulary cards to review the words 鈥?house鈥? 鈥渃 lassroom鈥? 鈥渂 athroom 鈥?,鈥渂 ed鈥? Step 3.Key concepts: room, kitchen, bathroom, living room 1.Introduce: a. Use posters of rooms to demonstrate each word. b. Point out the word 鈥渞 oom 鈥?in bathroom, bedroom and living room. c. Free talk: Let the students introduce their rooms and the things in it. 2.Student book : a. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books. . Mine ? Yours ? 2).Ss say sentences freely, they should hold some objects in their hands or point to the objects and make the others clear about their meaning. Step 4:Practice: Use a picture-prompt drill. Hold up vocabulary cards for objects found in particular room. Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about showing someone around a new house. Step 5:Homework: Write some sentences to describe your rooms in your house. ?3 璇炬椂?Lesson 3: Making Breakfast 绗?璇炬椂 鏁?瀛? 鐩?鏍?1.嶏細 make , stove, refrigerator, cook, sink. 2.骞朵笖鎺屾彙鍙瀷:What would you like for breakfast? I would like a/an/some_, please. 3. 浣噺銆?鏁?瀛?閲嶇偣make , stove, refrigerator, 精品教案设计资料cook, sink.骞跺簲鐢? 鏁?鍏?褰曢煶鏈猴紝纾佸甫锛屽崟璇嶅崱鐗?Step 1 Class opening and Review 1. Greetings. Say 鈥渉 ello 鈥?to everyone. 2. Review: Step2.Teach 鈥渕 ake and cook鈥?1.Teach the new words 鈥?refrigerator , stove and sink 鈥?1)T:What鈥檚 this? 2)T : Is this cold ? (Hold up the card for stove ) 3)T : Does a sink have water ? 4) Play 鈥?Simon says 鈥?to practice the new words . 5) Ask the students to come to the front to read . Step3 Drill and Practice 1. Study the dialogue 2.Open your books锛宺 ead the part one and answer my question. What would Jenny and Li Ming like for breakfast ? 3. Listen to the tape and fill in the blank. 4. Role-play the dialogue. Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about making a meal in a kitchen. Step 4 Homework 1.Make a dialogue . 2.write a short dialogue or passage about a meal in a kitchen . ?4 璇炬椂?璇Lesson4:Making Dinner 绗?璇炬椂 鏁?瀛? 鐩?鏍?1.鎺屾彙鍗曡瘝 dinner, kitchen, mine, yoursine, yours鐨勫惈涔夛紝骞朵細鍦彞瀛愪腑搴旂敤銆?2. ?鏁?瀛?閲嶇偣 鐞嗚 mine, yours 鐨勫惈涔夛紝骞朵細鍦彞瀛愪腑搴旂敤銆?鏁?鍏?word-cards and powerpoint Step1锛嶤 lass Opening and Review Greeting. Review: Play a game: 鈥淕 uessing game鈥?Use some pictures to review 鈥渒 itchen , living room , bedroom 锛宐 athroom 鈥?Talk about the rooms. Step2锛?Key concepts: 1.Introduce: Use the poster about the bathroom to introduce 鈥渂 athtub, shower, toilet 鈥? 2.Demonstrate 鈥?mine 鈥?and 鈥?yours 鈥漚 nd practice 1)T:(Hold up my pencil ) This is my pencil . This is my pencil . It鈥檚 mine . Where is your pencil ? T : (Point to my pencil .)This is my pencil . That is your pencil . This is mine . That is yours . 2)Practice in pairs. _ is/are mine. _ is/are yours. 3.Teach the text 1)Open your books, turn to page8.Listen to the tape to No.1.(The 精品教案设计资料first time) 2)Ask the students to guess the meaning of 鈥?dirty 鈥漚 nd 鈥?wash 鈥?. Then explain : 3)Ask them to read the text and then an
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