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精品教案设计资料2018 春新人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 短语大全2018Unit 1 叏Unit 1 What 鈥檚 the matter? 涓?銆侀噸鐐圭煭璇? 1. have a fever 鍙戠儳2. have a cough 鍜冲椊3. have a toothache 鐗欑柤4. talk too much 5. drink enough water 鍠濊冻澶熺殑姘 ? 6. have a cold 鍙楀噳 ;鎰熷啋7. have a stomachache 鑳冪柤8. have a sore back 鑳岀柤9. have a sore throat 鍠夊挋鐥 ? 10. lie down and rest 韬轰笅鏉紤鎭 ? 11. hot tea w ith honey 12. see a dentist 鐪嬬墮鍖 ? 13. get an X-ray 鎷峏 鍏夌墖14. take one鈥?s temperature 閲忎綋娓 ? 15. put some medicine on sth. 鍦 ?笂闈暦鑽? 16. feel very hot 鎰熷埌寰堢儹17. sound like 18. all weekend 鏁翠釜鍛湯19. in the same way 浠悓鏍风殑鏂瑰紡20. go to a doctor 鐪嬪尰鐢 ? 21. go along 娌跨潃鈥 ?蛋精品教案设计资料22. on the side of the road 23. shout for help 澶鍛兼晳24. without th inking twice 娌湁澶氭兂25. get off 涓嬭溅26. have a heart problem 鏈夊績鑴忕梾27. to one 鈥?s surprise 浣?. ? 28. thanks to 澶氫簭浜 ?锛涚敱浜 ? 29. in time 鍙婃椂30. save a life 鎸芥晳鐢熷懡31. get into trouble 閫犳垚楹荤儲32. right away 绔嬪埢锛涢涓 ? 33. because of 鐢变簬34. get out of 绂诲紑 ;浠庘 ?嚭钀? 35. hurt oneself 鍙椾激36. put a bandage on sth. 鐢环甯寘鎵 ? 37. fa ll down 鎽斿? ? 38. feel sick 鎰熷埌鎭跺績39. have a nosebleed 娴侀蓟琛?40. cut his knee 鍓蹭激浠栫殑鑶濈洊41. put her head back 鎶婂鐨勫鍚戝悗浠 ? 42. have problems breathing 鍛煎惛鍥伴毦43. mountain climbing 鐧诲北杩愬姩44. be used to doing sth. 涔犳儻鍋氭煇浜 ? 45. run out (of) 鐢畬 ;鐢敖46. so that 浠究47. so. . . that ?鈥互鑷充簬鈥 ? 48. be in control of ;绠悊精品教案设计资料49. in a difficult situation 鍦棽澧冨碑50. keep on doing sth. 缁画鎴栧潥鎸佸仛鏌愪簨51. make a decision 鍋氬嚭鍐冲畾52. take risks 鍐掗櫓53. give up 鏀惧純浜屻?侀噸鐐瑰彞鍨? 1. What 鈥?s the matter? What 鈥?s the matter with you? = What鈥檚 the trouble with you? = What鈥?s wrong with you? 浣犳?庝箞浜嗭紵2. What should she do? ? Should I take my temperature? 鎴戝簲璇噺涓 ?涓嬩綋娓悧锛? + should/shouldn 鈥檛 + 鍔瘝鍘熷舰 . . 鈶燳 ou should lie down and rest. ? 鈶?You shouldn鈥?t go out at night. ? 3. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? 4. I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving. 鎴戞兂鎴戜互鍚屾牱鐨勫鍔夸竴? 5. She said that the man had a heart problem andshould go to the hospital 精品教案设计资料
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