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湖北省荆门市京山县第三高级中学2022年高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. 语音知识(共5个小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从每小题的A.B.C.D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。1: A . abstract B . accurate C advocate D . advance 2: A. stay B. Sunday C. say D. today 3: A.librarain B. figure C. signature D. visual 4: A. adopt B. concrete C. convey D. cottage5: A. chemist B. champion C. technique D. character参考答案:1-5 D B A C B略2. The case of Li Gang became a hot topic and so did _ of Li Tianyi.A. it B. one C. that D. this 参考答案:C3. He was educated at a local grammar school, _ he went on to Cambridge. A. from which B. after that C. after which D. from this参考答案:C略4. _ in school uniforms, the students seem to be in good spirits.A. Dressed B. To dressC. Dressing D. Having dressed参考答案:A【详解】考查形容词短语作伴随状态。句意:学生们穿着校服,看起来情绪很好。固定短语:be dressed in“穿着-”,此处是形容词短语作伴随状态,故选A。5. Life is tough in the city. In order to reduce their _, some people go to KTV to sing.A. temper B. pressure C. feeling D. mood 参考答案:B34. The Smiths are praised _ the way they bring up their children. A. from B. by C. at D. for 参考答案:D略7. The teacher told us that we _ two experimental lessons by the end of last week.A. had had B. have had C. shall have had D. should have参考答案:A8. It was on my way back home _ my father made the promise _ I can do well in next exam he will buy me Lu Xuns Complete Works.A. when; that B. when; that if C. that; why D. that; that if参考答案:D9. _ recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U. S. would be higher than the number of English speaders by _ year 2090. A. A; the B. A; 不填 C. The; 不填 D. The; a参考答案:A10. _ the last bus , he was late and was the last one _to the destination. A. Not having caught; to get B. Having not caught; to get C. Not catching; getting D. Hadnt caught; to get参考答案:A略11. Production fell _ 20% in May, _ the same month of last year.A. in, compared to B. by, compared to C. with, compared with D. by, comparing with参考答案:B12. In my opinion, learning English is a step-by-step _.A. sectionB. ceremonyC. processD. edition参考答案:C13. _ is not possible that Bob can win the first prize in the competition. A. This B. That C. It D. What参考答案:C略14. Jack, _ friend, went back to America last Monday.A me B IC my D mine参考答案:C15. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) officially Chengdus application to join its “Creative Cities Network”, it the 2nd city in the world and the first city in Asia.A. approved; makingB. adopted; madeC. rejected; makingD. appointed; made参考答案:A16. She first _ singing and dancing, but soon lost interest and became a businesswoman.A. took up B. took in C. took over D. took down 参考答案:A17. With a great knowledge of mathematics, John can _ the problem easily. A. save B. solve C. speak D. slow参考答案:B18. Einstein liked Boses paper so much that he _ his own work and translated it into German.A. gave off B. turned down C. took over D. set aside参考答案:D19. -Repeat the word once again. We_ quite hear clearly. -Is it “desertification”?A. couldnt B. didntC. cantD. dont参考答案:B二、 短文改错20. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I like music very much, pop songs particularly. Every evening then I am doing homework and at weekends when I at home, I always play some of my favorite songs on my tape recorder. The familiar patterns of notes attracts me into the color1 fully world of music. Now and then I stopped to follow the songs. Sometimes, my mother comes in, asking me to fix my attention to my homework. She does not like the pop music. Like most grown-ups, she enjoys folk songs, because the peaceful music reminds her of their beautiful life when she was young. It is a truth which people of different age understand music differently and enjoy different kinds of music.参考答案:I like music very much, pop songs particularly. Every evening then (改when)I am doing homework and at weekends when I (加am )at home, I always play some of my favorite songs on my tape recorder. The familiar patterns of notes attracts(改attract) me into the colourfully(改(colourful或color1 ful) world of music. Now and then I stopped(改 stop) to follow the songs. Sometimes, my mother comes in, as
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