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湖北省襄阳市高级中学高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题29. I stopped the car _ a short break as I was feeling tired. A. take B. taking C. to take D. taken 参考答案:C略2. I have little doubt the plan will succeed. A. that B. if C. whether D. because 参考答案:A3. There are many talented actors out there just waiting _.A. to discover B. to be discovered C. discovered D. being discovered参考答案:B4. You dont seem to be quite yourself today. Whats wrong? Oh, Im suffering from a cold. Nothing serious,_.A. yet B. indeed C. anyhow D. though 参考答案:D5. The girl looked at me with a _ expression. Maybe the problem was quite _ . A. puzzled; puzzling B. puzzling; puzzled C. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzling; puzzling参考答案:A6. If you _ yourself to doing research, you will find the solution to the problem immediately.A. absorb B. bury C. apply D. engage参考答案:C7. I tried many times, but I still failed in the experiment. -Dont be discouraged. _ and the problem will be settled. A. Having a little effort B. There is a little effort C. If you have a bit effort D. A bit more effort参考答案:D略8. Over the past decades, forest area _ in China as a result of massive deforestation. A. had decreased B. decreased C. is decreasing D. has been decreasing参考答案:D略9. Mr. Smith approved _ the company. A. me to leave B. for my leaving C. of me to attend D. of my leaving参考答案:D略10. When he came to life, he found himself _ on the ground and _ by some strangers. A. lying; surrounded B. lying; surrounding C. lain; surrounded D. lain; surrounding参考答案:A11. To some people, happiness is _ by family and friends, while to others, it means _ success.A. being surrounded ; achieving B. being surrounded ; to achieveC. to surround ; achieving D. surrounding ; to achieve参考答案:A12. You _ to Joey. It was his fault.The reason why I did so was that I didnt want to lose my friend.A. mustnt apologize B. didnt need to apologizeC. shouldnt apologize D. neednt have apologized参考答案:D【详解】考查情态动词。句意:你本不必向Joey道歉的。这是他的错。我这样做的原因是我不想失去我的朋友。A. mustnt apologize禁止道歉;B. didnt need to apologize不需要道歉;C. shouldnt apologize不应该道歉;D. neednt have apologized本不需要道歉,题干中表示“本来不需要做某事却做了(对过去的虚拟)”,故选D。13. Id rather you just _ in bed and _ anything for at least two weeks. A. stayeddid B. stay do C. stayed dont do D. stayed didnt do参考答案:D14. This is the boy without _ help I couldnt have passed that difficult exam. A who B. Whom C. Whose D. that参考答案:C15. It was less tiring running on the way back because we had the wind in our _.A. judgment B. favor C. credit D. profit参考答案:B16. Janes pale face suggested that she _ ill, and her parents suggested that she _ a medical examination.A. be; should haveB. was; have C. should be; hadD. was; has参考答案:B17. Marys parents objected to _ John, who was poor and lazy. A. her marrying B.her marry C she married D.marry 参考答案:A略18. Japan says its Prime Minister promised to provide the world with maximum transparency about _ accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant during _ telephone call.A. the; a B. the; the C. an; the D. an; a参考答案:A略19. What a pity! I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was _ in the traffic jam. A. broken up B. kept away C. held up D. kept up参考答案:C略二、 短文改错20. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Michael,How is it going? Im writing to invite you to participate a voluntary activity hold by our English club, which can surely improve ourselves. Since I will also join in it, why not going with me to enjoy this activity?Here are some information as follows. An activity will be held at Xihu Park, which is closely to your home. And the time is about from 9:00 to 11:00 pm on Sunday. Aiming to develop the aware of protecting the environment, the volunteer will do something valuable to the environment, such as picking up the rubbish, watering trees and flowers. Besides, please remember which you need to mind the grass and be careful about yourself.Please keep me informed it
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