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湖北省随州市曾都中学2021年高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Pausanias lived in_ we call “Ancient Greece” A what B that C which D where参考答案:A2. The couple has two sons, are college students.A. and both of whom B. both of themC. of whom both D. both of who参考答案:C3. _in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop()AOnce outBOnce walked outCHardly was sheDOnce was out参考答案:A考查时间状语从句Once out in the street 相当于 Once she was out in the street 引导时间状语从句在从句主语与主句主语一致时从句可省略主语故A项正确4. Sorry for being late for the party. _ earlier next time, will you?A. Coming B. To come C. Having come D. Come参考答案:D5. I am sorry I forgot to bring your dictionary. Thats all right. _.A. So much the better B. Think nothing of it C. Im glad to hear that D. Take hold of it参考答案:B6. A shopping mall in the Sates is _ many individual shops.A. made up of B. consisted of C. composed by D. involved in参考答案:A7. You cant wear a blue jacket _that shirtitll look terrible.A on B. above C. up D. over参考答案:D8. More than 10,000 relics, _ between 5,000 to 3,000 B.C., _ at Sanxingdui since it was first discovered.A. dating back to, was dug up B. dating back to, have been dug upC. dated back to, has been dug up D. dated back to, were dug up参考答案:B略9. In some places you may borrow as many books as you want; in other places _ you are limited to a certain number, _ some may be novels.A. where; whichB. /; of them C. where; among which D. /; of which 参考答案:D10. Mr. Black has been teaching English in a middle school _ he came to China.A. for ever B. ever since C. ever before D. long before参考答案:B11. Have you found the mobile phone _ you lost last week?No, but Ive just bought a new one. A. what B. whose C. whomD. that 参考答案:D12. A poet and a writer _ coming to our school to give us a talk this Friday afternoon. A. are B. is C. will D. were参考答案:A略13. Mozarts birthplace and the house _ he composed“The Magic Flute”are both museums now.A. where B. when C. There D. that参考答案:A14. Was it because Jack didnt finish his homework_Mr. Smith got angry? A. why B. that C. where D. who 参考答案:B15. The reason why he was late is _ he got up too late.A. that B. because C. as D. for参考答案:A16. He said that light _ much faster than sound.A. travel B. travelled C. travels D. is travelling参考答案:C17. More and more people have got to know the importance of the English study. _, about six people in ten in this city are able to speak a little English. A. In other words B. Believe it or not C. Whats more D. To be honest 参考答案:B 18. If metal is heated and then cooled very quickly, ,put in cold water, it will become very hard but will break easily.A. if so B. to give an example C. in other words D. in conclusion参考答案:B【详解】考查短语辨析,句意:如果金属被加热,然后很快冷却,例如,用冷水浸泡,它会变得很硬,但是容易断裂。if so,如果那样的话;to give an example例如;in other words换句话说;in conclusion总之。句子后半部分是举例子,故用to give an example。故选B。19. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found. A. which B. that C. what D. whether 参考答案:B二、 短文改错20. 下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Today I was having a PE lesson while I fell down and hurted my foot. I was in great pain at that moment, but I tried to act as if nothing had happened until the class is over. Though I had difficulty walk back to my classroom, but I still didnt tell anyone and even refused the offer of help from my classmate. As the result, the hurt in my foot became worse. Now I know I was wrong. We can tell other our need for help and accept their help. Someday we can help him in return. In this way, we can get along with each other happy and peacefully.参考答案:Today I was having a PE lesson while (when)I fell down and hurted (hurt)my foot. I was in great pain at that moment, but I tried to act as if nothing had happened until the class is (was)over. Though I had difficulty walk (walking)back to my classroom, but (删)I still didnt tell anyone and even refused the offer of help from my classmate(classmates). As the (a)result, the hurt in my foot became worse. Now I know I was wrong. We can tell other (others)our need for help and accept their help. Someday we can help him (them)in return. In th
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