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湖北省黄石市肖铺中学2021年高三英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Is there any particular soup you would like to have? _ you select is all right with me. A. Whatever B. Anything C. No matter what D. Whichever 参考答案:D2. When we met Mr. Smith last year, he _ in that school for ten years.A. taught B. was teaching C. had taught D. would teach参考答案:C3. The Chinese government will keep updating information about H7N9 bird flu in a transparent manner, and _ public concerns in a timely manner.A. subscribe to B. respond to C. contribute to D. adjust to 参考答案:B4. When caught _, he begged for my pardon and tried _ punishment. A. stealing; escaping B. stealing; to escape C. to be cheating; escaping D. to be cheating; to escape参考答案:B5. On hearing the news, the girl rushed out without hesitation, _ the luggage _ on the floor, and _ in the dark. A. left, lied, disappeared B. leaving, lying, disappearedC. leaving, lie, disappeared D. left, lay, disappear参考答案:B本题中的leave,lie与句子主语the girl构成主动的关系,使用现在分词做状语。第三空的disappeared与前面的谓语动词rushed构成并列关系,所以使用一般过去时。故选B。6. I saw a woman _ against the wall _ tired and stressed and as though shed been crying. A. leaning up;looking B. lean up; lookC. leaned up; looked D. was leaning up; was looking参考答案:A7. Is college, which is supposed to be a place for academic interests and independent thinking being _into a factory only for producing professionals for a certain trade?A. transported B. transformed C. transferred D. transplanted参考答案:B8. Hi, LilyDont forget to watch Im a Singer at 10:00 this Friday night!What a pity! I _ in a plane to Hainan for a meeting thenAwill sit Bwill be sitting Cam sitting Dsit参考答案:B9. The hat is too expensive._ the price ,it doesnt suit me .Which one cant be chosen ? A. In addition to B. Besides C. Other than D. Apart from 参考答案:C10. The _ purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet. A. normal B. constant C. permanent D. primary 参考答案:D略11. -Personally, no supper is the best way to lose weight. -_. As a matter of fact, it does harm to your health. A. Thats a good point B. Thats not the caseC. I couldnt agree more D. You cant be serious参考答案:12. The dancers, all of _ masks came off suddenly, gave us a great surprise. A. their B. whose C. which D. whom参考答案:B略13. It has been raining every day so far. I hope tomorrow will fine.A . turn up B.turn to C .turn into D. turn out参考答案:D14. I didnt manage to work out the problem the teacher had explained how. A. until B. unless C. when D. before参考答案:A 15. I wonder if this red dress is _ in a larger size. This one is too tight.A. possibleB. acceptableC. availableD. fashionable参考答案:C略二、 书面表达16. 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom来邮件想了解茶在中国文化中的作用。请你给他回封邮件,内容包括:1. 茶的历史悠久;2. 茶与文学(唐代“茶圣”卢羽写了第一本关于茶的书茶经);3. 茶在生活中的作用。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;参考词汇:茶经Cha Jing 圣人saint参考答案:Dear Tom,In your email you asked about tea in ChinaLet me tell you something. Tea has a long history in China, dating back to 5,000 years ago. Obviously it plays an important part in Chinese culture. A great many distinguished poets and writers have written many masterpieces in appreciation of tea and about the love for it, among whom was Lu Yu in the Dang Dynasty, who wrote Cha Jing, the first book on tea, and was regarded as the“Tea Saint”.Chinese people take delight in tea-drinking. It is served not only at a tea house or restaurant,but also at home or during breaks at offices. Whenever guests visit, offering a cup of tea to them is a basic social custom. Tea is part of the Chineses daily life.I hope you can come to China to learn more about it.Yours,Li Hua17. 为了增强学生体质,你们学校发起了“我运动,我健康”(I love sports,I enjoy health)的活动。请你向某英语报社投稿,介绍此项活动的开展情况及其影响。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;_参考答案:To improve students physical health,our school has recently launched a campaign called “I love sports,I enjoy health”.There are a variety of activities available for all the students to participate in.For example,basketball lovers can join the basketball club,where they are trained by experienced coaches and compete in a series of matches. Swimming lovers can go to the newly-built swimming pool and whoever prefe
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