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1教育部推荐使用外语词中文译名表(合集)(第一批- 第九批共 155 项)截至 2020 年 4 月(按照外语词形的字母顺序排列) 1.3D (three dimensions) 三维 / 3 维2.4D (four dimensions) 四维 / 4 维3.刀 (gamma knife) 伽玛刀4.射线 (gamma ray) 伽玛射线5.Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome abbr. AIDS 艾滋病6.Air Pollution Index abbr. API空气污染指数7.Air Quality Index abbr. AQI空气质量指数8.Application abbr. APP / App / app 应用程序/ 应用软件/ 应用9.Artificial Intelligence abbr. AI人工智能10. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation abbr. APEC亚太经济合作组织/ 亚太经合组织11. Asset Management Company abbr. AMC资产管理公司12. Association of Tennis Professionals abbr. ATP 国际男子职业网球协会13. Augmented Reality abbr. AR 增强现实14. Automated Guided Vehicle abbr. AGV自动导引车15. Automatic Teller Machine abbr. ATM自动柜员机/ 自动取款机16. Blockchain 区块链17. Blockchain-based Service Network abbr. BSN 区块链服务网络18. Body Mass Index abbr. BMI身体质量指数/ 体重指数19. Bus Rapid Transit abbr. BRT 快速公交系统/ 快速公交20. Business Intelligence abbr. BI商务智能21. Center for Disease Control and Prevention abbr. CDC 疾病预防控制中心/ 疾控中心22. Central Bank Digital Currency abbr. CBDC中央银行数字货币/ 央行数字货币23. Central Business District abbr. CBD中心商务区/ 中央商务区24. Central Processing Unit abbr. CPU 中央处理器25. Certified Public Accountant abbr. CPA 注册会计师26. Chief Executive Officer abbr. CEO 首席执行官27. Chief Financial Officer abbr. CFO 首席财务官28. Codex Alimentarius Commission abbr. CAC国际食品法典委员会29. Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations 联合国非政府组织委员会30. Consumer Price Index abbr. CPI消费者价格指数/ 消费价格指数31. Data Technology abbr. DT 数据技术32. decentralized application abbr. DAPP / Dapp 去中心化应用33. Department of Field Support abbr. DFS 联合国外勤支助部/ 联合国外勤部34. Department of Management abbr. DM联合国管理事务部/ 联合国管理部35. Department of Peacekeeping Operations abbr. DPKO联合国维持和平行动部/ 联合国维和部36. Department of Political Affairs abbr. DPA 联合国政治事务部/ 联合国政治部37. Digital Currency abbr. DC 数字货币38. Electric Vehicle abbr. EV 电动汽车39. Electronic mail abbr. E-mail电子邮件/ 电邮40. Electronic Payment abbr. EP 电子支付
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