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高考模拟试卷上海市虹口区2020届高三一模考试英语试题I Grammar and XocabulaiySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and granmiatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with die proper form of die given word; for die other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Innovations that will change the classroomAmerican schools are going high - tech. Many symbols we still associate with classrooms and leaniiiig. likechalkboards, pens, notebooks - even classrooms are quickly becomuig outdated.As tliis week marks The HuSington Posts 10th anniversary, we 11 take a look at some products that 2 (introduce) to classroom in die past decade and have the potential to change die educational landscape ui die years _3 (come).1. Remote LearningSome schools are cutting down on snow days, thanks to teclmology. Rather tliaii giving kids die day off 4 weather conditions are too dangerous for commuting, these schools are asking students to follow classroom lessons online.Althougli kids 5 (hope) for a snow day may not particularly appreciate these advancements in digital learning, online lessons allow these kids to complete their coursework and still interact with peers. Some students witli medical conditions 6 go to school via video conferencing or even with the help of robots enabled with video chat that tliey can control remotely.2. eBooksDiscovery Education has been replacmg traditional textbooks with original techbooks for six years. Tliese “techbooks can also be switched to Spanish or French, Kinney said, 7 allows some parents who dont speak English to help tlieir kids with their homework.3. Educational GamesIll-class gaming options hate evolved to include more educational options. GlassLab creates educational gamesthat are now being used in more than 6, 000 classrooms across the country. Teachers get real-tmie updates onstudents, progress as well as suggestions on 8 subjects tliey need to spend more time perfecting.The Internet and other digital tools have some drawbacks. They1 re often distracting,9most developments have excitmg implications for the fimire. Over the last 10 years, technological innovationsha*e made education more interactive, umnediate and 10 (personalize), and have shown us the potential formore accessible and eflectn-e classrooms.答案1. theinseh-es 2. have been introduced 3. to come 4. when / if5. hoping 6. can 7. which 8. what 9. but 10. personalized语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,介绍了过去十年间一些改变课堂的创新。n题详解考查代词。句意:美国的学校正在向高科技发展,许多我们仍然与教室和学习联系在一起的符号, 如黑板、笔、笔记本一甚至教室本身一正在迅速过时。根据句意可知此处指“它们自己”,用反 身代I司,故1真themselves o上题详解考查时态语态。句意:我们来看看过去十年中引入课堂的一些产品,这些产品有可能在未来 几 年改变教行格局。根据时间状语“in the past decade可知此处强调过去的动作对现在造成 的影 响,用现在完成时,tliat在左语从句中指代先行词some products,与introduce之间是 被动关系,所 以用现在完成时的被动语态,some products是复数,谓语动词也用复数形式,故填hav亡beenintroducedo门题详解考查be to d。结构。句意同上。be to d。表将来,表示“按计划或安排要做或发生的事“,故填tocome o4题详解考查时间/条件状语从句。句意:由于技术的发展,一些学校在雪天减少了教学,如果/当天气状 况对上下班来说太危险,这些学校不会给孩子放一天假,而是要求上学习课堂课程。根拯句意可 知本句可以用if引导条件状语从句,表示“如果“,也可以用when引导时间状语从 句,表示“当的时候,故填when / if.5题详解考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管希望雪天到来的孩子可能并不特别欣赏数字化学习的这些进步,但在 线课程允许这些孩子完成他们的课程,并且仍然与同龄人互动。kids与hope之间是逻借上的主谓 关系,表示主动,用现在分词做后置立语,故填hoping.6题详解考查情态动词。句意:一些有健康问题的学生可以通过视频甚至远程控制的视频聊天机器人来上 学。空后是动词原形,此处需要填情态动词,根据句意可知此处表示“能、可以,故填eaiio7题详解考查非限立性左语从句。句意:Kinney说,这些科技书籍也可以转换成西班牙语或法语,这使得 一些不会说英语的家长可以帮助孩子做作业。此处为菲限立性左语从句,关系词指代整个主句内 容并在从句中做主语,故填which。8题详解考查宾语从句。句意:教师可以实时了解学生的进步情况,并对他们需要花更多时间完善哪些课 程提出建议。此处为宾语从句,从句中的p亡rfecting缺少宾语,故填what,9题详解考查连词。句意:它们往往会分散注意力,但大多数发展对未来都有令人兴奋的影响。根据句意 可知前后是转折关系,故填but。1。题详解考查形容词。句意:在过去的1。年里,技术创新使教有更加互动、即时和个性化,并向我们展示 了更方便和有效的教室的潜力。此处为“make+宾语+宾补”结构,此处用形容词与前而 的more interactive 和immediate并列做宾补,故填personalized.Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from die box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A- pleasurable B. alteration C. likelihood D. fortunately E. thickmingF. immediate G. physically H. temporary I. shortness J. normalize K. weakenedHow do Cigarettes Affect the Body?Cigarettes arent good for us. But how exactly do cigarettes harm us? Lets look at what happens as theiringredients make their way tlirough our bodies, and how we benefit 11 when we finally give up smoking.Inside the airways and lungs, smoke increases the 12 of infections as well as long - lasting diseases. Itdoes this by damaging the tiny hair - like tissues wliich keep the ainvays clean. That* s one of the reasons smoking can lead to oxygen loss and 13 of breath.Witlim about 10 seconds, die bloodstream carries a stimulant called nicotine to the brain, creating the 14 sensations which make smoking highly addictive. Nicotine and other chemicals from the cigarette, at die same tune, cause tightness of blood tubes, restrictmg blood flow. These effects on blood tubes lead to 15 of blood tube walls, increasing the possibili
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