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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑简单打招呼英语口语 学了英语多年,好不轻易遇到个外国人,想上前打声招呼,可一开口不是Hi就是Hello, 觉得自己深深的降低了逼格有没有?以下是我为大家供给的外国人见面打招呼用语,供大家参考借鉴。 外国人见面打招呼用语(最新) 1. Start a company? But I thought she would be a scholar. 开公司?我原以为她会成为一个学者 2. People are always changing, arent they? 人总是在变,不是吗? 3. Planning The Future 筹划将来 4. What time are you going to leave for the airport tomorrow? 你明天计划什么时候去机场? 5. Is he coming to dinner? 他回来吃饭吗? 6. Im going to the bookstore. Will you go with me? 我要去书店,你和我去吗? 7. Theyre going to discuss it at the meeting next Friday. 他们将在下周五的会上议论这个问题。 8. Ill be waiting for you at the restaurant this time tomorrow. 我明天这时候在餐馆等你。 9. After I get home, Ill call you. 到家以后,我会给你打电话。 10. Talking About The Weather 谈论天气 外国人见面打招呼用语(经典) 1. Well have fine weather for the next few days. 以后几每日气晴朗。 2. But its still raining today! 可今天还在下雨。 3. It is said it will clear up tonight. 天气预报说今晚雨就会停。 4. What will it be after the clear weather? 晴天以后天气会怎么样? 5. It says a storm may come next month. 天气预报说下个月会有一场暴风雨。 6. And it may get colder, its already November. 并且天气会更冷。 7. Yes, and I hope we can have some snow this winter. 是的,我梦想今年冬天会下雪。 8. Im afraid it wont be cold enough for a snowfall. 我或许天不会冷的下雪。 9. But last year we had a big one. 但去年下了大雪。 10. About Sickness 关于生病 11. How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉怎么样? 12. I dont feel very well. 我觉得不太安逸。 13. Do you feel better now? 你现在觉得好点了吗? 14. Much better. 好多了。 15. Im sick. 我病了。 16. Hes got a bad headache. 他头痛的厉害。 17. My fever is gone. 我的烧已经退了。 18. Whats the matter with you? 你怎么啦? 19. Ive got a pain in my back. 我背疼。 20. It really hurts. 可真疼。 外国人见面打招呼用语(热门) 1. Yes, but you know global warming may raise the temperature. 是的,但全球变暖会使气温上升。 2. You are probably right. 你可能是对的。 3. Im going skiing in the Alps next month. 下个月我去阿尔卑斯山滑雪。 4. I hope the weather there is cold enough. 我梦想那儿天气够冷。 5. How will you spend the evening? 你晚上干什么? 6. Ill probably stay home and watch TV. 我可能会呆在家看电视。 7. Whats your plan for the summer holiday? 暑假筹划干什么? 8. Im thinking about a visit to Paris. 我在考虑去巴黎旅游。 9. Theres going to be a pottery exhibition at the art gallery. 艺术馆将有一次陶瓷展。 10. You are still thinking about a Ph.D., arent you? 你还是想学成博士,是吗? 11. What will you do about it? 你会拿这事怎么办? 12. What do you want to do after graduation? 你毕业后想干什么? 13. Ill further my study. 我想持续深造。 14. Yes, youre right. After all, she is smart enough to go into business. 是啊,你说的对。终究,她完全有经商才智。 15. But she doesnt have much experience. 但她没有太多阅历。 16. You two dont have much contact? 你们俩没怎么联系吗? 17. No, I only wrote her one letter this year. 是的,今年我才给她写过一封信。 18. And her? 她呢? 19. She sent me a Christmas card last year. 去年寄过一张圣诞卡。 20. Oh, thats not good. 哦,那可不好。 猜你感兴趣: 1.外国人见面礼仪 2.英文见面打招呼常用语 3.美国人见面时的礼仪 4.英语见面打招呼常用语 5.英语见面打招呼用语 5
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