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第 1 页 共 8 页外研版(三起点) 2019-2020 学年小学英语三年级上册Module 3 单元练习 B卷姓名 :_ 班级 :_ 成绩 :_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 ( 共 10题;共 20 分)1. (2 分)你想知道别人有多少张贴纸,你会问:A . Do you have a sticker? B . How many stickers do you have? C . What do you have? 2. (2 分) _ you happy last Sunday? A . Was B . Were C . are 3. (2 分) It was time _ play games. A . to B . for C . on D . at 4. (2 分) Walk quickly, _ dont run on the road.A . and B . or 第 2 页 共 8 页C . but 5. (2 分) I like this dog. _ cute. A . Its B . Theyre C . This 6. (2 分) The mother is trying _ her shoes. A . on B . at C . in 7. (2 分) What is this?_.A . Its great B . How nice C . Its a cake 8. (2 分) Daming and Tom _playing the piano. A . are B . am C . is 9. (2 分) _ does Kitty talk to her pen-friend in the UK?_ the Internet.A . How, On 第 3 页 共 8 页B . What, At C . Which, For 10. (2 分) This is school. A . we B . were C . our 二、 单词拼写(词汇运用) ( 共 1 题;共 5 分)11. (5 分) I l_ horses. 三、 翻译 ( 共 1 题;共 10 分)12. (10 分)补全单词写出词义(1) th_ _teen (_) (2) n_neteen (_) (3) f_ _ teen (_) (4) eigh_ _ _ _ (_) (5) se_ _ _teen (_) 四、 英汉匹配 ( 共 1 题;共 5 分)13. (5 分)根据图片提示补全对话。What are you doing?_第 4 页 共 8 页五、 连词成句 ( 共 5 题;共 25 分)14. (5 分) shirt which do like you (?) (连词成句)15. (5 分) it, and, sour, is, yellow, (.) 16. (5 分) me , your ,show,mangoes(.)17. (5 分) get, eggs, During, children, colourful, Easter(.) ( 连词成句 )18. (5 分) have, T-shirts, you, any, do, (?)_六、 补全对话 ( 共 1 题;共 5 分)19. (5 分)补全对话。A. What are they doing?B. Can tigers really swim?C. What do you see?D. Where are you?E. What can you see?F. Where are they?G. Can you see any elephants?(Ken and Sue are in a nature park.)Ken: _?第 5 页 共 8 页Sue: I see two tigers.Ken: _?Sue: They are near the river.Ken: _? Sue: Theyre swimming.Ken: _?Sue: Yes, they can really swim.Ken: _?Sue: No, I cant see any elephants.第 6 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 单选题 ( 共 10题;共 20 分)1-1 、2-1 、3-1 、4-1 、5-1 、6-1 、7-1 、8-1 、9-1 、10-1 、二、 单词拼写(词汇运用) ( 共 1 题;共 5 分)11-1 、三、 翻译 ( 共 1 题;共 10 分)12-1 、第 7 页 共 8 页12-2 、12-3 、12-4 、12-5 、四、 英汉匹配 ( 共 1 题;共 5 分)13-1 、五、 连词成句 ( 共 5 题;共 25 分)14-1 、15-1 、16-1 、17-1 、18-1 、六、 补全对话 ( 共 1 题;共 5 分)第 8 页 共 8 页19-1 、
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