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民航客舱服务实用英语Unit 1 Preflight Briefing By Rui Zhou1精选pptcontents01Warm-up 02Key words and expressions03Sentence Patterns 04Dialogues and Exercises 2精选ppt Warm-up1、What kinds of people are there in the picture?2、What are they doing according to the picture?3、What do they usually discuss at this meeting? 3精选pptKey wordsonetwothree briefing准备会 purser乘务长 preflight briefing航前准备会 Boeing 777波音777 aircraft type机型 flight route飞行路线 estimated flight预计飞行时间 departure time出发时间 arrival time抵达时间 cabin service客舱服务 passenger information乘客信息 vegetarian素食者 first class头等舱 economy class经济舱 business class商务舱 initial flight首航 special passenger特殊乘客 VIP重要人士 announcement广播词 cabin check客舱检查 procedure程序 Airbus340空客340 aircraft飞机 pilot飞行员 flight deck驾驶舱4精选pptSentence Patterns May I introduce myself? My name is.I want to/would like to introduce myself.Let me introduce myself. Im ., just call me.5精选pptLadies and Gentleman, may I have your attention please?Id lIke to introduce our new member.Lets begin our briefing. Im the purser of todays flight.Useful ExpressionsLets look at todays flight route.We are bound for Sydney.The temperature rises to 25 and drops to 12 with breeze.We have 8 passengers checked in first class and 84 in economy class.Cabin service in todays flight is drinks service with lunch service.Ill take business class with Fu; the others will be in economy class.6精选pptThe cabin crew discuss the passenger information at the preflight briefing.The cabin crew discuss the flight route at the preflight briefing. The cabin crew greet each other at the pflight briefing.The cabin crew discuss the weather condition at the preflight briefing.The cabin crew discuss the flight information at the preflight briefing.The purser assigns the task for the coming flight. Dialogues7精选ppt12345How do the cabin attendants greet crew members?What contents does the preflight briefing consist of?If you are a cabin attendant, could you say something about the weather condition in a destination city?Exercises8精选pptTHANK YOU!THE ENDTHE END9精选ppt
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