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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑有关向日葵英语 你了解向日葵吗?你可以用另一种方式来介绍它吗?下面是由出国留学网编辑为大家整理的“有关向日葵的英语作文”,仅供参考,接待大家阅读。 A sunflower is a kind of beautiful and useful face is round and golden, looks like the sun. Thats why people call it sunflowers.向日葵时一种美观而有用的植物。它的脸时圆形,金黄色,看上去像太阳,这就是为什么人们叫它为“向日葵”。 It faces the sun all the time during the autumn comes, sunflower fruit is le like eating them in their free s more, people can also make oil from them.在白天它一向面朝太阳。秋天到来时,葵花籽熟了。人们在休闲时热爱吃葵花籽。而且,人们还用葵花籽榨油。 A sunflower brings us not only beauty but also delicious seeds.向日葵不仅给我们带来了美,而且供给了好吃的葵花籽。 Sunflower is a kind of beautiful flower. It has golden color and a round face. It looks like the sun, that is why people call it sunflower. Besides, it looks like a warm smile, too. When you look at it, it seems smile to you. It can bring warm to people. So, I like sunflower very much. During the day, its face turns to the sun all the time. When autumn comes, it is ripe. Therefore, we can eat its seeds. They are very delicious. 向日葵是一种美观的花。它有着灿灿的金色和圆圆的脸蛋,看上去很像太阳,这就是为什么人们叫它向日葵。而且,它看起来像一个和暖的笑脸。当你看着它的时候,它犹如在对你微笑。它能够给人们带来和暖。所以,我很热爱向日葵。白天,它总是面向太阳。秋天来了,它就成熟了。因此,我们可以吃它的种子,它的种子很好吃。 作文网我为你精选的作文: 记叙文 | 探讨文 | 说明文 | 应用文 | 散文 | 美文 2
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