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2022年6月英语六级听力常考句式及短语:意见与判断【手机用户】点击进入免费试听【CET4】 * 【CET6】【电脑用户】点击进入免费试听四六级考试课程!在日常生活中,当我们和朋友或同事一起做事的时候,通常会询问一下别人的见解、想法。对别人意见所抱的态度在听力中通常会成为出题人设题的要点。其中,说话人的语气与音调是推断其意见与态度的落脚点。这里给大家供应一些英语中常用的句子以供大家参考:Yes, I quite agree with you about that.(对,关于此问题,我与你意见一样。)You are quite right here. I have no objection.(这次你特别正确,我没别的意见。)I”m with you there. That”s a fine idea. (我支持你,这个办法不错。)There is no doubt about it. I think this one will do.(没什么可疑心的,我认为就这样。)I rather doubt that.(我特别疑心。)I beg differ with you.(请允许我表示异议。)I don”t quite agree with you. I”m against it. (我不非常同意你的意见,我反对。)Many people have different ideas. (很多人有不同的想法。)That”s where I disagree with you.(这就是我不同意你的地方。)My own view exactly.(这正好是我的观点。)I don”t think it”s very practical.(我不认为这很实际。)请分析下面的对话:Dialogue 1W:I weigh 180 pounds now. I need some new clothes.M: Maybe you should go on a diet.W: readly?.Dialogue 2W: I”m here for my 12 o”clock appointment with Prof. Li.M: Why don”t you have a seat for a moment?W: Oh, yes. Thank you.
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