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新概念英语第四册多项选择题:How to grow old Multiple choice questions多项选择题 Choose the correct answers to the following questions. Comprehension理解 1,It is _ that young people fear they will die. a.not surprising b.unnatural c.oppressive d.deceitful 2,Fear of death in old people _. a.is not something the writer admires b.is wider and more impersonal c.is all right for someone who has known joys and sorrow d.is truly justified 3,As a person”s interests become more impersonal, so _. a.his existence becomes like a river b.the sense of individuality decreases c.life flows without a visible break d.the waters flow more quietly 4,An old person can reach a stage where _. a.the things he cares for will continue b.he wishes to die while still at work c.his life will continue d.he looks forward to death Structure 句型 1,In the young, this feeling _.(1.1) a.has justified b.was justified c.justified d.is justified 2,In an old man _ has known human joys and sorrows (11.3-4) a.what b.which c.- d.that 3,An individual human existence should be like a river.That”s how it _ be.(1.7) a.ought to b.must c.has to d.is obliged to 4,_ death will not bring fear to the old man who can see his life in this way.(11.10-11) a.A b.The c.Every d.- Vocabulary 词汇 1,Young men may justifiably feel they have been _ of the best things in life.(11.1-2) a.deceived b.lied c.stolen d.robbed 2,Your life becomes increasingly _ in the universal life.(11.6-7) a.lost b.joined c.sunk d.contained 3,_ the river grows wider (11.8-9) a.Less and less b.Step by step c.One by one d.Little by little 4,I should wish to die while still at work, _ that others will carry on (11.13-14) a.thinking b.aware c.believing d.acceptin
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