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新概念英语:“哭”的各种表达 “哭”的各种表达: 1.The child cried himself to sleep. 那孩子哭着哭着就睡着了。 2.She sobbed herself to sleep. 她抽抽咽咽地睡着了。 3.The girls wept with joy after their volleyball team won. 女排获胜后,姑娘们流下了快乐的热泪。 4. Her eyes are always weeping for the loss of her beauty. 由于美貌不在,她的眼里总是黯然神伤。 5.She wept copiously over the loss of her lover. 心上人离她而去,她哀思欲绝。 6. A child of your age shouldn”t sit about blubbering over a lost toy. 像你这么大(岁数)的小孩,不应当由于丢了玩具,就坐在地上哭哭啼啼。 7.The films ends with the heroine sobbing desperately as her lover walks away resolutely. 影片结尾,当她的心上人义无返顾地远去时,女仆人公哀思欲绝,难过而泣。 8.The headmaster said to her, “If you have something to say, have it out clearly. It”s no use weeping and wailing endlessly.” 校长对她说: “你要是有什么,明明白白地说出来吧。你这样无休止地哭哭啼啼有什么 用呢?” 9.The wind was wailing in the woods. 风在树林中咆哮。
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