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生活英语:盘点八大易犯护肤错误 Leaving skin bare for longer than 60 seconds after cleansing 洁面后超过60秒不涂护肤品 After cleansing, you must immediately use an alcohol-free toner and moisturizer. If you leave your skin bare for more than one minute, it will start to dehydrate as the dry air sucks moisture out of the skin. Perform your skin care routine quickly, and be sure to always leave your toner damp on the skin. This will leave your skin protected and avoid the tight and dry feeling。 洁面后必需马上使用无酒精的爽肤水和面霜。假如这个过程耽误了超过一分钟,皮肤中的水分就会被空气风干,从而造成肌肤缺水。因此,尽快进展肌肤护理,用爽肤水保持皮肤潮湿,这样可以爱护肌肤不枯燥紧绷。 Not using products formulated for your skin type 错误使用不适合自己肌肤状况的产品 The reason you may not see improved results with your skincare products is that they arent suited for your skins unique needs. Find out what type of skin a product is formulated for. And if “all skin types” is the answer, proceed with caution. If youre truly looking for results, its imperative that you use products exclusively formulated for the unique needs of your skin。 假如你用了某产品却没发觉效果,那说明它并不适合你肤质的特别需要。因此,讨论清晰该产品毕竟适合什么肤质是特别重要的。假如它说“适合全部肤质”,那你就更要慎重一些。假如真的想看到效果的话,就要特殊推断清晰肤质并选择适宜的产品。 Caring for your blemishesthe wrong way 错误的祛痘方法 Most people will breakout at certain periods in their life, and where they often go wrong is how they treat a blemish once it appears. If its a pustular blemish, once the whitehead is truly visible, gently squeeze out the infection with your finger and then apply a spot-drying treatment. If its a cystic blemish, which mainly occur in the chin and jaw areas, this means no picking! 大多数人总有某个特定的时候皮肤会突发状况,而这个时候往往有些人选择对待痘痘的方式就是错误的。假如痘痘带有脓包,那么当白头冒出来的时候,可以用手轻轻地把它挤出来,然后使用局部枯燥的清理措施;假如它只是肿起来,而且在发在下巴上,这就是在告知你不要挤! Using too many exfoliating products too often 频繁使用过多去角质产品 In the quest to look younger and have smoother skin, people are doing too many aggressive exfoliating treatments that are actually injuring their skin. Too much exfoliation can result in flaking, dehydration and inflammation, possible destruction of healthy cells. Physical exfoliants such as facial scrubs or facial brushes should be used no more than two or three times a week. Chemical exfoliants should be used three nights on, three nights off。 为了肌肤看上去更年轻更光滑,人们会选择做去角质护理,而这往往会损害她们的皮肤。常常去角质会导致皮肤菠萝、肌肤缺水,引起炎症甚至损伤安康细胞。物理去角质的方法,例如用洁面刷,应当一周不超过23次;化学去角质则应当做3天,停3天。 Not wearing sunscreen daily and not applying enough 没有每天涂防晒且量不够 The number one reason why your skin will age prematurely is from sunlight, daylight and UV raysperiod. And 78% of those rays come from incidental exposure when people dont feel like they need sun protection. If you want to prevent wrinkles, wearing sunscreen 365 days a year, rain or shine, inside or out, is a must。 肌肤年轻的缘由之一就是阳光辐射。而78%的辐射都发生在人们觉察不到的时候。因此,假如你不想长皱纹,那就365天无论阴晴、无论在室内室外都必需涂抹防晒。 Using alcohol-based toners or skipping them entirely 用含酒精的爽肤水或者根本不用爽肤水 Using toners loaded with alcohol, which will only dehydrate the skin. Alcohol-free toners should be used after every cleansing because they give your skin a drink of moisture when left damp on the skin before applying moisturizer, they remove drying chlorines and minerals found in tap water。 用含酒精的爽肤水会加快皮肤枯燥。每次洁面后都应当使用无酒精的爽肤水,使肌肤保持潮湿,再涂面霜,这样可以去除掉自来水里的氯和矿物质。 Washing your skin with bar soap 用香皂洁面 If you wash with a bar of soapno matter how much you paid for ityou immediately strip your skin of all its water. Then you have to quickly put moisturizer on to put back exactly what you just took out. The binders that hold a bar of soap together have a high pH balance, making it too drying for most skin types。 无论你买的洁面皂多昂贵,它都会带走肌肤中的水分。这意味着你必需立刻涂面霜来补水。香皂里的黏合剂ph值偏高,这对于大局部肌肤来说都是偏枯燥的。 Overusing moisturizer 过度使用面霜 Adding multiple coats of moisturizer to alleviate dry skin is not the same as switching to a creamier consistency. Using thicker coats of moisturizer will only result in clogged pores and a waste of product because your skin can only absorb so much。 过度叠加面霜来减缓皮肤枯燥的病症和改用质地较浓稠的面霜性质是不同的。面霜涂很厚只会导致毛孔堵塞,而且由于皮肤并不能汲取,用这么多也是铺张。
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