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2022年山东省威海市民立中学高一英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially _ containing as many different subcultures as the United States, is a complex task.A. oneB. the oneC. thatD. those参考答案:A2. His cousin Jim didnt _ himself at the party and thus left a very bad impression on the guests. A. supportB. observe C. behave D. respect 参考答案:C3. Many businesses started up by college students have _thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation.A. taken upB. taken off C. put upD. put off参考答案:B4. Janet is a nice girl but sometimes she _ be very hard to work with. A. will B. may C. should D. can 参考答案:D5. (2016天津卷)You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel _ the coach picks up tourists.A. who B. whichC. where D. that参考答案:D试题分析:句意:你在一个错误的地方等待。大客车是在旅店接送游客的。使用强调句,结构是:It is/was+强调部分+that+其余部分,如果强调部分是人,也可以用who,这句话强调的是地点状语at the hotel。故选D。考点:考查强调句。【此处有视频,请去附件查看】6. The largest collection ever found in England was one of about 200,000 silver pennies, and _ were over 600 years old.A. all of them B. all of whichC. all of whom D. they all参考答案:A【详解】考查并列句与定语从句的区分。句意:在英国发现的最大的收藏是大约20万枚银币中的一枚,它们都有600年的历史。此处and表明这是一个并列句,and后面是一个简单句,要有自己的主语,故选A。本句如果没有and,则silver pennies是先行词,指物,是一个定语从句,那答案就应该是all of which。7. _wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.AAnyone BThe oneCWhoever DWho参考答案:C8. Please _ the numbers and Im sure they will _ more than 1,000 .A. add up ; add B. add up ; add up to C. add up ; add up D. add ; add up 参考答案:B9. He is planning to _ the room downstairs _ a studio.A. get, intoB. make, fromC. sell, from D. convert, into参考答案:D10. Those books which _ often _ well. A. are well received; are sold B. are well received; sell C. well receive; sell D. were received; sell参考答案:B11. Only after my friend came_ Adid the computer repair Bhe repaired the computer Cwas the computer repaired Dthe computer was repaired 参考答案:C略12. -What do you think of the film Inception?-Just so- so. I dont think it worth_a second time.A. watching B.watched C. to watch D.being watched参考答案:A13. You seem to have understood the theory very wellYes,your careful explanation Aput a light to it Bcame to light Cthrew light on it Dsaw the light参考答案:C14. Mr. Baker made himself _ to everybody at the conference. A. know B. knowing C. known D. to know参考答案:C 15. -How often do you go home?-_.A. For three weeks B. Three weeks agoC. Every three weeks D. In three weeks time参考答案:C16. She took a shortcut home again,letting herself in through her garden and the back door.She_ to wait.Asettled in Bsettled downCset down Dcalmed参考答案:B由第一句话的内容知是:她最终安顿下来等。所以B项正确。二、 书面表达17. 假设你是李华,昨天学校为你们举行了成人仪式。根据下列要点给你在美国的网友Tom发一封电子邮件,描述节日仪式过程和你的感受。1.成人宣誓;2.感谢老师和家长的教育和培养;3.向老师赠送贺卡;4.表演节目。注意:1.电子邮件要包括以上内容,可以适当发挥;2.词数100左右;3.开头和结尾已经为你写好了。At the Growing-up CeremonyDear Tom,_参考答案:Yours,Li Hua参考答案:At the Growing-up CeremonyDear Tom,Hi, Id like to tell you about our growing-up ceremony for 18-year-old students held in our school yesterday. At first we made an oath that as grown-ups we should serve our society from now on. Then we showed our thanks to our parents who have brought us up and teachers who have been educating up patiently. And our teachers also gave us cards expressing their good wishes to us. Finally we put up nice performances, singing and dancing. We learnt a lot from the activity. I think it is important for us. I will remember the day all my life.Yours,Li Hua18. 书面表达 ( 15 )请根据下列的提示用英语为学校广播站写一则80-100词左右的通知。 提示:1.根据早上天气预报今晚有大雨,要求同学们离开教室时关好门窗。2.原计划明天举行的运动会推迟。天气好转后另行通知。明天照常上课。请不要迟到了。3.明天较冷。同学们要注意加衣。Attention, please, everyone! I have something important to say._
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