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英王伊丽莎白二世登基周年英语演讲稿 英王伊丽莎白二世登基60周年英语演讲稿 My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,各位上下议院的议员们:I am most grateful for your Loyal Addresses and the generous words of the Lord Speaker and Mr. Speaker.我非常感谢主议长和议长先生的衷心赞扬。This great institution has been at the heart of the country and the lives of our people throughout its history.这个伟大的机构(议会)已经成为国家历史的心脏和我们民众生活的生命。As Parliamentarians, you share with your forebears a fundamental role in the laws and decisions of your own age.作为国会议员,你分享了你的祖先中的一个根本性法律。Parliament has survived as an unshakeable cornerstone of our constitution and our way of life.议会已经成为不可动摇的基石,存在于我们的宪法和生活方式中。History links monarchs and Parliament, a connecting thread from one period to the next.历史联系着君主和议会,像一根纽带把一个时代和下一个时代连接起来。So, in an era when the regular, worthy rhythm of life is less eye-catching than doing something extraordinary, I am reassured that I am merely the second Sovereign to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee.所以,在做不平凡事比平常生活更受关注的时代,我很高兴我能成为第二个庆祝钻禧年的君主。As today, it was my privilege to address you during my Silver and Golden Jubilees.到今天为止,你们能参加我银禧和金禧的盛典,我很荣幸。Many of you were present ten years ago and some of you will recall the occasion in 1977.十年前你们中的很多人也出席了。你们中的一些人依然能回忆出1977年的情景。Since my Accession, I have been a regular visitor to the Palace of Westminster and, at the last count, have had the pleasurable duty of treating with twelve Prime Ministers.我在位期间,我是威斯敏斯特宫的常客,至今为止,我和12位首相有过愉快的合作。Over such a period, one can observe that the experience of venerable old age can be a mighty guide but not a prerequisite for success in public office.在这样一个时代,年长者的经验很管用,但对于担任公职来说却不是成功的先决条件。I am therefore very pleased to be addressing many younger Parliamentarians and also those bringing such a wide range of background and experience to your vital, national work.我也很高兴向很多年轻议员提建议,我也把广泛的背景知识和经验运用到日常国家事务中。During these years as your Queen, the support of my family has, across the generations, been beyond measure.当女王的这些年,来自我家庭的几代人的支持难以衡量。Prince Philip is, I believe, well-known for declining compliments of any kind. But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide.菲利普亲王因为拒绝各种赞扬而出名。但是,他是一个坚定的支持者和向导。He and I are very proud and grateful that The Prince of Wales and other members of our family are travelling on my behalf in this Diamond Jubilee year to visit all the Commonwealth Realms and a number of other Commonwealth countries.威尔士王子和其他家人将代表我在钻禧年出访所有的英联邦王国和部分英联邦国家,他和我都感到非常高兴和自豪。These overseas tours are a reminder of our close affinity with the Commonwealth, encompassing about one-third of the worlds population.这些海外行程将使占世界三分之一的人口的联邦成员国紧紧联系着。My own association with the Commonwealth has taught me that the most important contact between nations is usually contact between its peoples.我与英联邦国家交往的亲身经历告诉我国家之间最重要的联系通常是人民之间的联系。An organisation dedicated to certain values, the Commonwealth has flourished and grown by successfully promoting and protecting that contact.该机构提供固定的价值,鼓励和保持成员之间的联系,促进联邦国繁荣和发展。At home, Prince Philip and I will be visiting towns and cities up and down the land.在国内,菲利普亲王和我将会访问南北方的城市和郡县。It is my sincere hope that the Diamond Jubilee will be an opportunity for people to come together in a spirit of neighbourliness and celebration of their own communities.我真诚地希望,钻禧典礼将成为人们团结的一个良好契机,传递友善的邻里关系和他们的社区价值。We also hope to celebrate the professional and voluntary service given by millions of people across the country who are working for the public good.我也希望能够表彰那些在公共领域工作的,来自全国各地自愿提供服务的数百万人民和专家。They are a source of vital support to the welfare and wellbeing of others, often unseen or overlooked.他们是为公众福祉提供重要支持的源泉,却往往被忽视。And as we reflect upon public service, let us again be mindful of the remarkable sacrifice and courage of our Armed Forces.我们对公共服务进行思考,让我们再一次注意到我们军队做出的卓越贡献和勇敢。Much may indeed have changed these past sixty years but the valour of those who risk their lives for the defence and freedom of us all remains undimmed.在过去的六十年里,许多已经改变,但是为了守护国家和我们的自由而献身的勇气会永存。The happy relationship I have enjoyed with Parliament has extended well beyond the more than three and a half thousand Bills I have signed into law.我和议员之间的愉快关系很好地延续着已经超过我签署3500份法案的时间。I am therefore very touched by the magnificent gift before me, generously subscribed by many of you.结果我收到了非常壮观的礼物,你们中许多人慷慨地付出了。Should this beautiful window cause just a little extra colour to shine down upon this ancient place, I should gladly settle for that.如果这扇漂亮的窗户能为这个古老的地方增添色彩,我将为此感到高兴。We are reminded here of our past, of the continuity of our national story and the virtues of resilience, ingenuity and tolerance which created it.在这里,我们想起过去我们国家的故事,国民的坚韧性、创造力和宽容心。I have been privileged to witness some of that history and, with the support of my family, rededicate myself to the service of our great country and its people now and in the y
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