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routinen.rutin( routines )双解释义C U例行公事,惯例,惯常的程序fixed and regular way of doing sth词汇搭配 动词+ break the routine打破常规 buildestablish a routine建立常规程序 change a routine改变惯常的做法 follow the (old) routine墨守成规 perform the routine履行常规 形容词+ dailyordinary routine日常工作,每天的例行公事 dull routine枯燥的日常工作 mechanical routine机械的日常事务 名词+ business routine例行业务手续 input routine输入程序 school routines学校一天的课程 介词+ a matterquestion of routine例行手续的问题句型例句The security men changed their usual routine and collected the money at a different time.保安人员改变了他们通常的做法,在不同的时间取款。routineadj.rutin双解释义A例行的,常规的regular; according to rule词汇搭配 +名词 routine duties日常职责 routine procedure常规程序 routine report例行报告 routine test定期测验 routine treatment常规疗法句型例句用作定语+n.Its just a routine medical examination; nothing to get worried about.这只是例行的体格检查,没有什么可担忧的。Asking these questions is routine work.问这些问题是例行公事。补充资料同义词n. arrangement, custom, method, practiceadj. normal, regular, typical, usual反义词adj. different, irregular, special, unusual词源法语routine(常规,惯例)2
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