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silencev.salns( silences; silenced; silencing )双解释义vt.使安静; 使沉默 cause to be quiet; make silent根本要点1.silence用作动词时意思是“使沉默,可指人使喧闹的场面安静下来,也可指人采取高压手段来压制某人的言论,这种结果有可能成功,也可能无效。2.silence是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。词汇搭配 +名词 silence crowd使人群安静下来 silence the children使孩子们安静下来 +副词 silence awkwardly为难地沉默 silence completely完全沉默 silence discreetly慎重地沉默 silence effectually有效地沉默 silence grimly阴森地沉默 silence horribly可怕地沉默 silence incessantly持续不断地沉默 silence momentarily顷刻地沉默 silence mysteriously秘密地沉默 silence painfully痛苦地沉默 silence sarcastically嘲笑地沉默 silence sincerely严肃地沉默 silence sternly严肃地沉默 silence terribly可怕地沉默 silence unbearably难以忍受地沉默句型例句用作及物动词S+n./pron.He silenced the noisy children with a fierce look.他狠狠地瞪了一眼那些闹哄哄的孩子,使他们安静下来。The speaker tried to silence the angry crowd.讲话者试图使愤怒的人群安静下来。His commanding tone silences everyone present.他的命令口气使在场的人安静下来。Rodin silenced him with a gesture.罗丁做手势让他安静。The arrival of the teacher silenced the class.教师的到来使全班安静下来。They silenced him by money or other inducements.他们用金钱或其他诱惑来封他的嘴。The king silenced his opponents by having them put in prison.国王把反对他的人送进监狱以使他们闭口。Butlers firm speech failed to silence opposition.巴特勒强硬的话语没能制止反对意见。Our powerful artillery fire silenced the enemys mortars.我军强大的炮火迫使敌人的迫击炮停止射击。There must be a way to silence the echoes in this room.一定有方法消除这个房间的回声。The nurse silenced the babys crying.护士使孩子不再哭而安静下来。 用于be ed结构The air intake must be silenced to some degree.进气口的噪声太大,必须在一定程度上加以消除。The enemys guns were silenced by repeated bombings.反复轰炸压制了敌人的炮火。补充资料同义词n. quiet词源 中古英语 古法语 拉丁语silentiumsilens(静,沉默)silencen.salns( silences )双解释义U寂静,无声 absence of sound; complete quietU沉默 the state of not speaking or making a noiseU无音信,失去联系 failure to write a letter, to telephone, etc.C寂静时刻,期间 a moment or period of any of these conditions根本要点1.silence用作名词的根本意思是“寂静,指没有声音,很静,引申可指“沉默,一般指人对某件事保持缄默,用沉默来表示其同意或不同意, silence还可引申作“无音信,失去联系解。作以上解时是不可数名词。2.silence还可作“寂静时刻,期间解。常用来表示一段有具体内容的沉默的时间,作此解时是可数名词。词汇搭配 动词+ break a silence打破沉默 buy sbs silence用贿赂封某人的口 interrupt a silence打破沉默 keep silence保持沉默 maintain silence保持沉默 observe a silence保持静默 observe three minutes silence默哀三分钟 pass into silence湮没在无声无息中 purchase sbs silence用贿赂堵住某人的口 put sb to silence驳得某人哑口无言 retreat into ones silence沉默不语 treasure silence珍视沉默 understand a silence理解沉静的意思态度 形容词+ absolute silence绝对的沉默 angry silence愤怒的沉默 awful silence可怕的寂静 awkward silence为难的沉默 brief silence短暂的沉默 complete silence完全沉静 dead silence死一般的寂静 deep silence寂静 long silence长时间的沉默 perfect silence完全的沉默 short silence短暂的沉默 strict silence严格的沉默 total silence完全沉默 名词+ radio silence无线电寂静 介词+ in silence沉默地,无声地 listen to sb in silence默默地听某人讲 pass a matter with silence对某事置之不理 +介词 silence between之间默默无言 silence of midnight子夜的寂静 silence on recent events对近来发生的事保持沉默常用短语in silence安静地,无声地 without speaking or making a sound; silentlyShe pored over the picture book in silence, enjoying the colours.她静静地看着画册,欣赏着那些图画的色彩。A patient throng was waiting in silence.一大群人耐心地静候着。All I had to do now was to obey him in silence.这时,我要做的只是默默地服从他。reduce to silence使沉默下来 bring to silencereduce sb to silenceHis reply reduced me to silence.他的答复使我哑口无言。Her words reduced him to angry silence.她的话气得他一言不发。He managed to reduce the group of children to silence.他设法使这群孩子安静了下来。She was reduced to silence at the sight.她见到那情景便哑口无言。silence is golden免开尊口,沉默是金 it can be best to say nothingWhen the sergeant asks if there are any complaints, silence is golden.当警官问起还有什么意见时,最好免开尊口,以免招惹麻烦。句型例句A profound silence prevailed over all.深沉的静默笼罩着一切。Now and then a birds song broke in upon the silence of the wood.鸟鸣声不时打破林中的寂静。The bustle and din gradually faded to silence as night advanced.随着夜越来越深,喧闹声逐渐寂静了。It is generally admitted that the moon is a world where silence prevails.月球是一个寂静无声的世界,这一点是众所公认的。There was silence for a few moments, then someone came out with a most useful suggestion.沉默了一会儿,于是有人提出了一项极有用的建议。From the silence of the company after he had made that remark, he realized that he had dropped a brick.他作了那番议论以后,一看大家一声不吭,他明白自己失言了。She frowned him into silence.她皱眉使他沉默。The criminal intimidated the witness into silence.犯罪分子恐吓目击证人保持缄默。Be careful, your silence could be interpreted as an admission of guilt.小心,你的沉默有可能被看作是成认自己有罪。Forgive me for my long silence.请原谅我好久没给你写信。After two years silence he suddenly got in touch with us again.在长达两年杳无音信之后,他突然又跟我们取得了联系。Lets observe a minutes silence in memory of the dead.让我们为死者静默一分钟。His offensive remarks were followed by an embarrassed silence.在他那无礼的讲话后,紧跟着便是一阵令人难堪的沉默。There were long unexplained silences
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