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河南省周口市鸿昌职业高级中学高二英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. It _ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks _ I found we had a lot in common.A. was until; when B. was until; that C. wasnt until; when D. wasnt until ; that参考答案:D2. From his _ look, we could see that he hadnt expected that we could raise such _ questions to him. A. confused; confusing B. confusing; confusedC. confusing; confusing D. confused; confused参考答案:A3. The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt参考答案:B4. His spare time is made full use_ law. A. to study B. study C. of studying D. of to study参考答案:D5. Dad is used to smoking and drinking. There is no chance_I am able to talk him into _.A. whether;giving it up B. of whether;giving them up C. which;stopped it D. that; getting rid of them 参考答案:D6. _clearly in class, Mr. Smith raised his top voice to ask his students to stop chatting.A. Found not heard B. Found not hearing C. Finding not heard D. Finding not hearing参考答案:C7. He cant any new jobs at this time. He already has more than he can do.A. take on B. take off C. take in D. take down参考答案:A8. My friend Mary is _ outgoing girl and _ girl everyone likes to work with.A. an, a B. an, the C. the, a D. the, the参考答案:A9. to work overtime that evening,I missed a wonderful film.A.Having been askedB.To askC.Having askedD.To be asked参考答案:A提示:考查非谓语动词。由后半句中 “I missed a wonderful film”可知,那晚上加班已经发生,而不定式表将来,所以排除B、D两项;ask与I 之间应为被动关系,故用现在分词的完成被动式。句意为:“那天晚上要求我加班,所以我错过了一场好看的电影。”故选A项。10. _to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film. A. Having been askedB. Being askedC. Having askedD. To be asked参考答案:A11. Sarah,Im afraid I couldnt go to your birthday party. I have a test next Monday.Oh, !Youre my best friend and you must be there!A. go ahead B. come on C. you neednt D. it doesnt matter参考答案:B略12. The old man came _ to the railway station, only _ the train was slowly pulling out of the station.A. and ran; found B. running; findingC. running; to find D. to run; finding参考答案:C第一个空应用现在分词形式的running作伴随状语;第二个空应用不定式形式的only to find表示意想不到的结果。13. It is you, I think, rather than your wife, _ to blame for your sons bad behavior at school Athat is Bwho isCthat should Dwho are参考答案:D14. Mary felt herself _to take action to defend herself.A. forcingB.to force C. being forcedD. forced参考答案:D略15. Did they carry out the experiment in the school lab?No, it was in the scientific center _ their teacher worked.A. that B. where C. why D. when参考答案:B16. -Who won the election for mayor? -A man _ to represent every minority group in the city.A. claiming B. claimsC. is claimed D. having claimed参考答案:A试题分析:考查非谓语动词作后置。句意:谁赢得了市长的选举?一个宣称代表这个城市每一个小团体(利益)的人。claiming及其后面的只是对A man的后置定语。译作一个宣称会代表这个城市每一个小团体(利益)的人。故选A。二、 书面表达17. 伦敦是英国的首都,是世界上最大的现代化国际城市之一,英国的政治,经济,文化中心,是最大的海港和首要工业城市。它位于英格兰东南部,跨泰晤士河。伦敦的气候多雨雾,故有“雾都”之称。 伦敦面积达1,580平方公里,人口800万。包括2012年第三十届奥运会,伦敦共举办过三届奥运会。【写作要求】 1. 文章须包含所有内容; 2. 词数100120。【评分标准】 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。参考答案:London, which lies on the river Thames and in the southeast of England, has an area of 1,580 square kilometers with a population of 8 million. As the capital, it is the center of politics, economy and culture for the United Kingdom. There is the largest port and most important industrial area in London, which makes it one of the biggest international modern cities in the world. It rains often and fogs in most of the days, so it is known as the Capital of Fog. London has hosted Olympic Games for three times, including the 30th Olympics in 2012.18. 假定你是李华,最近你校根据学生的爱好和兴趣,开展了许多课外活动。请你用英语给校报写一封建议信,内容应包括:1.列举你们学校开展的三项课外活动;2.介绍你感兴趣的活动,说明原因及这些活动带给你的益处;3.请你就如何选择课外活动提出两条建议。注意:1.数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.邮件开头和结尾已为你写好.Dear editor,_Yours,Li Hua参考答案:Dear editorNowadays, afterclass activities are becoming increasingly popular in senior high school. We also have many kinds of afterclass activities in our school, such as the English Corner, Sunshine Radio Station, Happy Reading Club and so onIm interested in the English Corner , because it can not only help me make some new friends, but also improve my spoken English. In addition, Im fond of the Sunshine
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